4 Ways to Amplify Your Job Search at the End of the Year

Here are a few ways to amplify your job search that can help you make significant progress.

As many people prepare for the holiday season, they stop to reflect on their goals for the year. Would you like a new job in the new year? Landing a new job is often desirable for many life sciences professionals who are interested in making more money, working on innovative projects and/or finding a better company culture. With that in mind, it can be difficult to focus on a job search because there can be a variety of competing priorities including working to reach your end of the year goals and planning for the holidays. Here are four ways to amplify your job search at the end of the year!

Tweak your social media profiles

Most professionals create their social media profiles one time, and rarely update or edit them. Often the information you see on social media for individuals is outdated and incomplete. While you’re going through the job search and interviewing process, the majority of recruiters and hiring managers will search for you on social media to find additional information. You want to make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward based on your current situation. Tweaking and reviewing all of your profiles can help you see the image you’re projecting and ensure that it lines up with the positions you’re targeting.

Update your resume

The majority of job seekers do not have an updated resume that they feel confident with. They tend to think that content should be added, highlighted, and/or removed. Submitting yourself for positions with a subpar resume can do more harm than good. Prior to applying, read over the job posting you’re interested in, and then immediately read your resume. Do you sound like a good fit for the role? Are the words and phrases in your resume speaking directly to what the job posting is asking for? If you don’t see a clear correlation with relevant contributions and accomplishments, then updating your resume is vital.

Create profiles on different job sites

There are countless job sites online. Some are specific to a certain industry, while others are more general and feature positions in all industries and levels. Many of these job boards will allow you to create a profile that is hidden from public search. These profiles are exclusively for recruiters and hiring managers that utilize that job site. Uploading your resume to the profiles on specific job boards is another way to get more visibility and speed up your search. The key is to find the job sites that are most relevant to the positions you are looking for. You don’t want to waste time, trying to show up everywhere.

Network at professional end of the year / holiday events

Despite all of the technology we have today, networking in person is still highly effective. In fact, meeting the right person and cultivating a relationship can help you by pass the traditional application process. Attending professional conferences, meetings and association events can be instrumental in positioning you as a serious candidate for a job. Towards the end of the year, many groups have holiday events or other celebrations. These gatherings can be great for meeting new people who could potentially help with your job search.

If you’re trying to find a new job, you don’t have to put the process on hold during the holidays. These are a few ways to amplify your job search that can help you make significant progress. What could you do towards the end of the year to stay active in your job search?

Porschia Parker is a Certified Coach, Professional Resume Writer, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. (https://www.fly-highcoaching.com) She empowers ambitious professionals and motivated executives to add $10K on average to their salaries.