5 Steps to Prep Your Resume for a Career Event

By Shaeffer Smith, BioSpace.com Contributor

Headed to a job fair, hiring event or even Talent Connect soon? Maybe you’ve been to job fairs in the past and think you can use the same resume you updated a year ago. Think again. Don’t take these opportunities for granted by blowing off your preparation.

You are well aware that your resume is the first thing employers see when you apply for a job. But is yours ready to compete with all of the other candidates who show up at a hiring event?

Follow these steps for a flawless resume that will hopefully land you the job. Whether it is at one of BioSpace’s Talent Connect events or at the biggest life sciences hiring event of the year at BIO 2017.

1. Reevaluate the content of your resume.

Sometimes, less is more when it comes to your resume. You should highlight your absolute best experiences rather than showing you’ve had 18 jobs. Pick out your top three or four experiences and focus your time and energy on communicating your successes and skills through these positions.

2. Create personalized versions.

Do your research on the event, employers who are attending and their openings. Use this information to tailor your resume to specific positions or companies, highlighting relevant experiences. Bring those versions of your resume to the event to hand to the employers you researched. However, do not get rid of your general resume, you never know what opportunities could pop up on the spot!

3. Memorize, memorize, memorize.

You are the expert on your work experiences and education, so show it! Practice going over your resume without having to look at it. Think of other ways to say what is exactly on there, so you aren’t just repeating what they read. You’re pitching yourself for the job, be confident and thorough.

4. Prepare for the event.

Now that your resume is updated and ready to go, consider what other documents may be helpful at this kind of event. Do you have a cover letter for a specific position listed? Do you have examples of award-winning work? Do you have a portfolio? Go to the event over-prepared in case a hiring manager wants to know more. You’ll blow them away with your quick action!

5. Follow up with companies

Your job search shouldn’t end with handing over your resume and a handshake with a hiring manager. Ask for their card, and give them yours. Ask about applying online or in person, and then follow up with a thank you. You’ve worked hard on putting yourself out there, so don’t let it end there.

Follow these steps to get the most out of your career event experience, and good luck from all of us at BioSpace.