Biopharma Funding, Deals Fall Sharply in 2023 in ‘Strategic’ Shift: PitchBook

Pictured: American cash shaped into a funnel/iStoc

Pictured: American cash shaped into a funnel/iStoc

The biopharma industry is projected to raise $24 billion this year, a steep decline from the “high-water marks” of 2020 through 2022, according to a new report from market data firm PitchBook.

Pictured: Concept art showing a tunnel of money/iStock, alexfiodorov

The biopharmaceutical industry will have raised $24 billion in venture capital funding across approximately 840 transactions by the end of 2023, a steep decline compared to the last three years, according to a new quarterly report by market data firm PitchBook launched Wednesday.

This year’s downward trend in overall dealmaking “is starkly different from the high-water marks of 2020 through 2022, when annual values reached $38.1 billion, $53.9 billion, and $36.9 billion, respectively,” the report concludes.

The 2021 total of $53.9 billion was driven by a flurry of investor activity due to the pandemic. However, PitchBook’s report contends that the current business climate “indicates a recalibration toward pre-pandemic investment norms, despite the sector’s explosive growth amid COVID-19.”

Exit activity was likewise slow this year, with only 84 projected deals totaling $17.9 billion. In 2021, there were 200 deals and acquisitions across the biopharma industry, reaching $86.4 billion. There were fewer deals in 2022—only 77—but they raised $23.4 billion compared to this year’s $17.9 billion.

Much of the decrease in exit activity is due to initial public offerings (IPOs). According to PitchBook’s report, this year saw a 71% decrease in deals, dropping from 154 in 2021 to 45 in 2022, while acquisitions dipped 28% from 45 to 32. Exits in 2023 will not substantially differ from 2022, PitchBook projects, with 55 expected IPOs and 29 acquisitions by the end of the year.

This reflects a September 2023 analysis from BioSpace, which found that this year has been a relative winter in biopharma IPOs. Among the few companies that have filed for IPOs are Acelyrin, which raised $540 million in April 2023 and RayzeBio, which targeted $311 million in September. Carmot also filed an IPO last month before being bought by Roche on Monday.

The slowdown in funding is indicative of a “strategic shift” in investments, according to PitchBook’s analysis, revealing a “trend toward fewer but more significant deals.” Funders are being more prudent with their money, prioritizing larger and more stable investments.

Investors backed more Phase I clinical trials in 2020 and 2021, followed by a sharp decline in 2022 and a slight rebound this year. This fluctuation reflects investors’ appetite for risk, particularly when it comes to “novel high-stakes modalities” such as cell and gene therapies, according to PitchBook’s analysis.

“In this climate, strategic patience emerges as a key virtue for investors looking to fully capitalize on the prolific pandemic-era investments,” the report states.

Tristan Manalac is an independent science writer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. He can be reached at or

Correction (December 22): This story has been updated to clarify that IPOs dropped significantly since 2021 but not since 2022. BioSpace regrets the error.

Tristan is an independent science writer based in Metro Manila, with more than eight years of experience writing about medicine, biotech and science. He can be reached at, or on LinkedIn.