Healthtech company Entia is one of the stars of a new series of video shorts produced by the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI)
6th July 2023. Healthtech company Entia is one of the stars of a new series of video shorts produced by the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) showcasing powerful examples of how technology is transforming healthcare, and the lives of patients.
Committed to making life better for people receiving cancer therapy – Entia has developed a unique end-to-end remote monitoring system and data analytics solution that allows patients to have some routine cancer tests at home.
As cancer patient Martina highlights in the video, the device will help to reduce some of the burden and cost of travel for patients and give them back valuable time.
The data collected and supplied by Entia offers unique insights into a person’s health during cancer therapy, arming clinicians with real-time insights that help keep treatment on track and that alerts them to potential complications before they can affect a patient’s quality of life.
By driving this more preventative model of healthcare where problems are identified and addressed early the goal is to keep people out of hospital, improve their treatment outcomes and deliver more efficient, cost-effective care.
About Entia
Entia is committed to making life better for people receiving cancer treatment.
In partnership with patients and world-renowned oncology centres, we are transforming healthcare with revolutionary remote patient monitoring and predictive analytics that offer unique insights into a person’s health during cancer therapy. Our approach enables the delivery of more decentralised and preventative models of care that drive better patient experiences and outcomes.