Job Offer Evaluation Checklist

First, prioritize these criteria according to your own desires and needs. Which aspects of the offer do you most value?

First, prioritize these criteria according to your own desires and needs. Which aspects of the offer do you most value? You can use the checkboxes to place job-offer components in priority order.

Post-interview gut impression:

  • You wanted to get the offer.
  • The prospect of this job excites you.
  • Meets or exceeds your vision of an ideal job.
  • Your gut says accept.


  • Reflects your market value
  • Competitive with what similar employers would offer for the same role
  • Meets your needs
  • If lower than desired, is offset by other aspects of the offer

New or hidden costs:

  • childcare
  • commute
  • parking
  • relocation
  • wardrobe
  • taxes
  • insurance
  • equipment not covered by employer
  • travel expenses not covered by employer
  • other: ________

Benefits and Perquisites (Perks):

  • Time off
    • vacation
    • sick leave
    • personal leave
    • other leave: _____
    • flexible hours
    • opportunity to work remotely
  • Insurance
    • health
    • dental
    • life
    • other
  • Health Savings Account contributions
  • Stock options
  • Profit sharing
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Incentives
  • Use of a company car, cellphone or computer
  • Pension
  • Perks
    • gym membership
    • childcare
    • travel costs
    • sabbaticals

Trade-offs/Lost benefits and perks from current job:

  • Perks or benefits will you lose from your current job that aren’t offered in the new job
  • Perks and benefits will you gain in the new job that weren’t offered in your current job

Advancement and career path:

  • Training
  • Professional development
  • Clear path and timeline for promotion
  • Clear path for career progression

Your supervisor and team:

  • Sense of collegiality with prospective supervisor and team members

Nitty-gritty details of the job:

  • Understanding of what a typical day will look like in your new role
  • Comprehension of performance expectations
  • Realistic description of the job from employer

Organizational health:

  • Organization is financially sound.
  • Organization has a strong reputation.
  • Turnover is not unreasonable.

Organizational culture:

  • Values: The organization’s values align with your own.
  • Purpose: The organization’s purpose is clear, and you are excited about contributing to it.
  • Communication: The organization communicates effectively.
  • Norms: The ways things are done in the organization aligns with your expectations.
  • Stories: The organization’s history and other stories are inspiring.
  • Life-work balance: The company’s demands on you do not impede on the way you want to live your personal life.

Location and physical environment:

  • Geographical location
  • Workplace ambiance
  • Comfortable workspace that fosters productivity