Athera Biotechnologies Completes Financing To Advance Clinic With Immunovascular Antibody

Athera Biotechnologies AB has completed a 57 million SEK financing from current major owners; The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen), Industrifonden and Linc AB, together with new investor Ribbskottet AB, an investment company lead by Anders Bladh. Mr Bladh has a long background from international asset management, finance and banking as well as real estate. Additional investors include Athera´s management team and Antaros Medical AB.

The 57 million SEK will be used to fully finance the next steps in clinical development of Athera’s lead project PC-mAb, currently preparing for start of clinical Phase 2. PC-mAb is designed to mimic the anti-inflammatory role of endogenous antibodies against PC and act to support the immune response to vascular inflammation challenges and thereby reduce the risk for complications. []()

“This marks the start of a game-changing period for Athera, securing the necessary funding for the next Phase 2 study with our fully human antibody PC-mAb,”, says Athera CEO Carina Schmidt. “The new ownership will further strengthen our team and support the development of this exciting compound in a market with high medical need.”

[For more information contact:]()
Carina Schmidt, CEO, Athera Biotechnologies AB
Phone: +46 (0)76 1938 190, email: [](

[About Athera Biotechnologies AB]()The mission of Athera is to address the large unmet need for anti-inflammatory therapeutics in the treatment of immunovascular disease. Athera´s focus is on PC-mAb, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical program with block-buster potential. Development of PC-mAb has been co-funded by EU FP7 in the CARDIMMUN project. Major shareholders are Industrifonden, The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen) and Linc AB. For more information: