FYR Diagnostics , a Missoula -based biotech company, has executed a contract with the State of Montana that will increase statewide COVID-19 testing capacity and reduce the time patients must wait to receive results. Adding FYR as a primary t
MISSOULA, Mont., Dec. 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- FYR Diagnostics, a Missoula-based biotech company, has executed a contract with the State of Montana that will increase statewide COVID-19 testing capacity and reduce the time patients must wait to receive results. Adding FYR as a primary testing resource will keep test processing within Montana and alleviate pressure on the state laboratory in Helena. “Even with the roll-out of vaccines, the need for fast, accurate, high-volume COVID-19 testing will continue for the foreseeable future,” said Dr. Sarj Patel, President of FYR. “We are committed to helping our community.” The contract was the result of efforts to improve local testing options by the Montana COVID-19 taskforce, led by Major General Matthew Quinn, and by Jim Murphy from the Montana Department of Health. Patient samples from healthcare partners in Western Montana will be sent to FYR’s Missoula-based clinical diagnostic laboratory for processing using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), considered the gold standard of COVID-19 testing. FYR currently offers RT-PCR testing services to local and national healthcare providers, employers, and academic institutions. Rather than the state of Montana shipping a portion of samples to out-of-state laboratories as far away as the Texas and North Carolina, FYR is available as a local testing option to process COVID-19 samples at FYR’s Missoula headquarters. “We feel proud to be working more closely with the Montana state government and to expand our impact within our state,” said Dr. Chris Booth, CEO of FYR. “Our team has worked around the clock to not only establish a state-of-the-art clinical diagnostic lab, but to also develop sophisticated lab infrastructure that can support future state testing efforts beyond COVID-19.” FYR Diagnostics was founded to develop next-generation tests for the early detection of human and agricultural diseases, but the company chose to redirect its efforts to help its community through the COVID-19 pandemic. The company is using its high throughput, automation-enabled testing infrastructure and its wealth of experience in PCR technologies to establish a testing platform that can be utilized even with shortages in lab testing supplies. FYR has put extensive effort into building strong relationships with suppliers to ensure a steady supply of consumables and reagents required for COVID-19 testing and has built and validated multiple sourcing contingency plans. As the FYR team continues to service the state of Montana, their hiring needs are increasing. FYR has openings for four clinical lab technicians. To help fill these positions, FYR launched a clinical lab tech in training program. This program is geared to help those with research backgrounds gain experience in a clinical setting and earn clinical lab certifications through nationally recognized accreditation agencies. “FYR Diagnostics has been great to work with,” said Carol Bridges, MD of CostCare. “We are able to get our patients accurate and fast results which keeps our community safer.” If your Montana-based organization is in need of COVID-19 testing, please reach out to FYR Diagnostics at covid19@fyrdiagnostics.com. About FYR Diagnostics Contact Forward-Looking Statement
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