Neurocrine Biosciences Honors Mental Health Month and Raises Awareness of Tardive Dyskinesia and its Impact on Patients

Mental Health Advocacy Community Recognizes and 25 States Declare Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week as Part of Mental Health Month to Raise Prominence of Tardive Dyskinesia and Highlight the Impact on the Lives of Patients

  • Mental Health Advocacy Community Recognizes and 25 States Declare Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week as Part of Mental Health Month to Raise Prominence of Tardive Dyskinesia and Highlight the Impact on the Lives of Patients
  • New Survey Results Show that Almost 60% of People Taking Antipsychotics Do Not Know About the Involuntary Movement Disorder Called Tardive Dyskinesia
  • 80% of Patients Diagnosed with Tardive Dyskinesia Were Frustrated/Bothered by Involuntary Movements; Approximately Two-Thirds of Patients Share that Tardive Dyskinesia Affects Self-Esteem and Confidence

SAN DIEGO, May 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: NBIX) today announced its support of Mental Health Month and commitment to raising awareness of tardive dyskinesia (TD), an involuntary movement disorder.1 May marks the 70th anniversary of Mental Health Month, an important time to acknowledge the nearly one in five U.S. adults who live with mental illness.2 Many people living with mental illness may also suffer from TD, a condition that is associated with the prolonged use of antipsychotics, commonly prescribed to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression.1,3 In honor of Mental Health Month, the Alliance for Patient Access (AfPA), Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), International Bipolar Foundation, Mental Health America (MHA) and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) are recognizing the first full week of May as TD Awareness Week.

(PRNewsfoto/Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.)

In addition, 25 states, as well as Washington D.C., have declared May 5-11, 2019, as TD Awareness Week to show support for patients living with TD. In the U.S., TD may affect at least 500,000 people.4,5 The following states have designated the week: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

“Since 1949, Mental Health America and our affiliates across the country have led the observance of May as Mental Health Month. Over the past few years we are proud to have helped to raise awareness of the conditions that are less understood, like tardive dyskinesia. We are pleased that 25 states have declared TD Awareness Week this May and applaud their efforts to bring broader awareness about TD, a condition that can have devastating effects upon a person’s life, but that people often don’t know about and may not recognize,” said Debbie F. Plotnick, Vice President for Mental Health and Systems Advocacy at Mental Health America. “Being educated about TD and having access to treatment is essential to continuing to live a productive life while managing their underlying condition.”

TD is a movement disorder that is characterized by uncontrollable, abnormal and repetitive movements of the face, torso and/or other body parts that can be disruptive and negatively impact patients.1,6 The abnormal and involuntary movements of TD can impact patients socially, emotionally and physically, causing patients to feel embarrassed or judged by others or withdraw from society and isolate themselves.6-9

A recent survey of 2,500 patients taking medications such as antipsychotics shows a gap in awareness around TD and the need for further education efforts. According to the survey conducted by the independent market research company Ipsos, 58% of patients were not aware that antipsychotics can cause involuntary movements or TD. Patients surveyed who were diagnosed with TD (n=322) felt “moderately, very or extremely” affected in the following areas:10

  • Approximately 80% reported that they were frustrated and bothered by their involuntary movements.
  • Nearly half said TD affected their ability to perform their job (47%).
  • Approximately two-thirds of patients reported TD affected their self-esteem (68%) and confidence (64%).

“We are pleased that the mental health advocacy community and more than half the country are recognizing TD Awareness Week to bring awareness to a movement disorder that can have a debilitating effect on the physical, social and emotional well-being of patients,” said Eiry W. Roberts, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Neurocrine Biosciences. “While antipsychotics will continue to be essential medications for the management of mental illnesses, it is important that we recognize the impact that the uncontrollable movements associated with tardive dyskinesia can have on a patient who is also trying to manage their psychiatric condition. TD Awareness Week is an important step toward broadening awareness of this often isolating condition and providing the much-needed support to patients living with tardive dyskinesia.”

As part of Neurocrine’s commitment to TD education, resources are available at to help patients and caregivers understand TD and recognize its symptoms, learn about available support resources and have a conversation with their healthcare provider about ways to manage their TD.

About Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a movement disorder that is characterized by uncontrollable, abnormal and repetitive movements of the face, torso and/or other body parts, which may be disruptive and negatively impact patients. The condition is caused by prolonged use of treatments that block dopamine receptors in the brain, such as antipsychotics commonly prescribed to treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression and certain anti-nausea medications. In patients with TD, these treatments are thought to result in irregular dopamine signaling in a region of the brain that controls movement. The symptoms of TD can be severe and are often persistent and irreversible. TD is estimated to affect at least 500,000 people in the U.S.

About Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.
Neurocrine Biosciences (Nasdaq: NBIX) is a neuroscience-focused, biopharmaceutical company with more than 25 years of experience discovering and developing life-changing treatments for people with serious, challenging and under-addressed neurological, endocrine and psychiatric disorders. The company’s diverse portfolio includes FDA-approved treatments for tardive dyskinesia and endometriosis* and clinical development programs in multiple therapeutic areas including Parkinson’s disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and uterine fibroids*. Headquartered in San Diego, Neurocrine Biosciences specializes in targeting and interrupting disease-causing mechanisms involving the interconnected pathways of the nervous and endocrine systems. For more information, visit, and follow the company on LinkedIn. (*in collaboration with AbbVie)


  1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association; 2013:712.
  2. National Alliance on Mental Illness. Mental Health By The Numbers. Accessed March 22, 2019.
  3. Kenney, C, Hunter, C, Davidson, A. Metaclopramide, an Increasingly Recognized Cause of Tardive Dyskinesia. J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;48(3):379-384.
  4. Data on file. Neurocrine Biosciences.
  5. Cloud LJ, Zutshi D, Factor SA. Tardive dyskinesia: therapeutic options for an increasingly common disorder. Neurotherapeutics. 2014;11(1):166-176.
  6. Task Force on Tardive Dyskinesia. Tardive Dyskinesia: A Task Force Report of the American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association; Washington, DC; 1992.
  7. Ascher-Svanum, H. et al. Tardive dyskinesia and the 3-year course of schizophrenia: results from a large, prospective, naturalistic study. J Clin Psych. 2008;69(10):1580-1588.
  8. Boumans C, de Mooij K, Koch P, Al. E. Is the Social Acceptability of Psychiatric Patients Decreased by Orofacial Dyskinesia? Schizophr Bull. 1994;20(2):339-344.
  9. Citrome L. Clinical management of tardive dyskinesia: Five steps to success. J. Neurol Sci. 2017;383:199-204.
  10. Data on file. Neurocrine Biosciences.

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SOURCE Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

Company Codes: NASDAQ-NMS:NBIX