Piedmont Animal Health Inc., which specializes in developing novel medications that improve compliance and ease of use, today announces the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a patent for Piedmont’s long-acting sterile injectable formulation containing macrolide antibiotics for use in both companion animals and humans.
GREENSBORO, N.C., Sept. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Piedmont Animal Health Inc., which specializes in developing novel medications that improve compliance and ease of use, today announces the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a patent for Piedmont’s long-acting sterile injectable formulation containing macrolide antibiotics for use in both companion animals and humans. Piedmont’s unique formulation enables antibiotics to be administered by injection in-clinic, under the direction of prescribing veterinarians or physicians, thereby eliminating the need for oral administration of antibiotics over several days at home. Already in late-stage development (pivotal field study), Piedmont anticipates the first product to market to utilize its innovative technology may be an injectable for the treatment of upper respiratory infections in cats. Improved compliance often means improved health Piedmont expects this to be the first of many injectables “In addition to this first product in development, we have successfully formulated a second antibiotic into an injectable formulation which will target multiple diseases in dogs and cats, including urinary tract infections,” Johnson adds. “Our goal is to develop a portfolio of targeted antibiotics for in-clinic administration by veterinarians. All of our products are focused on dramatically improving convenience and compliance.” About Piedmont Animal Health Contact: Contact Jackie Plemmons, 336-544-0320, ext. 207, jplemmons@piedmontpharma.com
SOURCE Piedmont Animal Health Inc. |