Gary Hess , the founder and CEO of the Veterans Alliance for Holistic Alternatives (VAHA), announced today that four groundbreaking physicians are joining the VAHA Medical Advisory Board.
Doctors pledge to blend medical expertise with the patient experience for better outcomes NEW ORLEANS, April 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Gary Hess, the founder and CEO of the Veterans Alliance for Holistic Alternatives (VAHA), announced today that four groundbreaking physicians are joining the VAHA Medical Advisory Board. The Board will bring key medical expertise to fulfilling the mission of increasing the awareness and access to medical cannabis and other holistic alternatives in the veteran and patient community. “The patient is our textbook. Our doctors will blend their vast medical expertise with a patient-first perspective. They will educate our clients, supporters, policymakers and the public about the revolution that’s taking place in medicine and the incredible potential of cannabinoid therapies.” Hess said. “Too many of us who are suffering from chronic conditions are resorting to cannabis only as a last resort. But the growing evidence strongly suggests that we should be applying science of cannabinoids at the beginning of treatment and integrated into a holistic approach to healing,” Hess said. “The medical advisory board will explore and illuminate patient-focused approaches and establish evidence-based parameters for potential treatment options,” he added. Joining the Board today are: Dr. Hemant Kumar Bid, Ph.D., MS, with over 20 years of cancer drug discovery scientist, cannabis educator, national expertise in cannabis research and pharmacology, faculty member of St. Louis University and the Cleveland School of Cannabis. Dr. James Smith, a 30-year interventional cardiologist, educator, cancer survivor who is practicing a science-driven cannabis treatment plan. Dr. Trevor Peck, a summa cum laude graduate of Louisiana State University, practicing anesthesiology, in level 1 trauma and rural medicine. Dr. Maysa Alavi, a board-certified physician and nationally recognized practitioner in psychedelic therapies and integrative medicine. “All of the members of the Advisory board share the VAHA passion for connecting patients with information, consultation and access. Their collaboration will have incredible benefit across all of our platforms,” Hess said. The Advisory Board will meet regularly and establish a framework for leveraging current research with deep knowledge and strong anecdotal evidence that can only be gained from working with patients on a holistic basis. Among the major topics, the Board will explore important insights around balance in the human primal functions, as a basis for therapy and treatment. They will make their findings public and engage allies across disciplines in pursuit of transformative approaches to treating chronic conditions, pain and opioid abuse.
SOURCE Veterans Alliance for Holistic Alternatives |