Swiss university trial confirms superiority of CURODONT™ REPAIR in treatment of initial caries lesions

A randomized, placebo and gold-standard controlled clinical trial, investigating the treatment of incipient buccal caries lesions with CURODONT™ REPAIR was presented at the IADR 2018 in London. In this study Prof. Krejci and his team at the University of Geneva showed that the use of CURODONT™ REPAIR is superior to that of fluoride varnish or a placebo treatment.

A randomized, placebo and gold-standard controlled clinical trial, investigating the treatment of incipient buccal caries lesions with CURODONT™ REPAIR was presented at the IADR 2018 in London. In this study Prof. Krejci and his team at the University of Geneva showed that the use of CURODONT™ REPAIR is superior to that of fluoride varnish or a placebo treatment.

For a first time comparing CURODONT™ REPAIR, placebo and gold standard, this double-blinded RCT with a sequential, split-mouth design allowed multiple comparisons between various groups. Based on assessment of calibrated standardized digital photographs the researchers compared the remineralization effect of CURODONT™ REPAIR, placebo, fluoride varnish and the combination of CURODONT™ REPAIR and fluoride varnish. The data has shown CURODONT™ REPAIR to lead to superior enamel regeneration when compared to placebo or fluoride varnish, and indicated a complementary effect of CURODONT™ REPAIR and fluoride varnish.

Under the conditions of this clinical trial [CURODONT™ REPAIR] caused significantly higher remineralisation when compared to both placebo and gold-standard (fluoride varnish)…” concluded the researchers from the University of Geneva.

The results are in good agreement with previous clinical trials on CURODONT™ REPAIR.

Link to the abstract:

This research was funded by “CTI- Committee of Technology and Innovation (Innosuisse)” (Project 14934.1 PFLS-LS)

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CURODONT™ REPAIR is marketed in Switzerland under the brand name REGENAMEL®


The patented CUROLOX® TECHNOLOGY is based on self-assembling peptides, which form a 3-dimensional matrix with high affinity for the dental mineral.
In pure form, CUROLOX® TECHNOLOGY is used in CURODONT™ REPAIR as a crystallization nucleus for new hydroxyapatite crystals. This gives dentists a non-invasive way to regenerate caries lesions and similar dental defects - Guided Enamel Regeneration (GER).
CURODONT ™ D’SENZ is designed for the treatment of sensitive teeth. It utilizes the high bonding capacity of the CUROLOX® TECHNOLOGY to the tooth surface to form an effective protective barrier on the dentin. This quickly protects against painful stimuli.
CURODONT™ PROTECT uses CUROLOX® TECHNOLOGY, to effectively protect the enamel against acid.

About credentis ag

Headquartered in Switzerland, credentis is focused on the development and market introduction of advanced dental solutions based on its patented and award winning CUROLOX® TECHNOLOGY. Active in both medical device- and cosmetic- industry, credentis has a proven track record of innovative products and a strong university network.
Dr. Dominik Lysek, CEO and Michael Hug, CTO have a strong track record in science, development and medical technology, with focus in the dental industry. Credentis highly experienced board members Dr. Werner Berner, Dr. Michael Peetz, Gerard Moufflet and Dr. Erich Platzer (chairman), contribute their pharma, medtech and dental industry expertise.