APA Launching Redesigned Online Help Center On August 23

WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Psychological Association (APA) will launch a redesigned online help center, http://www.apahelpcenter.org/ on August 23. Consumers will be able to navigate a more user-friendly web site with expanded free information, facts, and tips about mental health issues.

The new site is designed to appeal to users with a magazine-like format that gives easy directions to featured topics and articles and information on mental health. Although the American Psychological Association is not able to provide direct referrals, consumers can obtain a referral to a psychologist in their area by calling 1-800-964-2000. The operator will use zip codes to locate and connect people with the referral service used by their state psychological association. Because psychology is relevant to so many areas of everyday life, the site is organized into areas that consumers say make sense for them:

 * Work and School; * Family and Relationships; * The Mind-Body Connection; * Emotional Wellness; * Disasters and Terrorism; * Managed Care and Health Insurance; and * Psychological Statistics and Facts. 

The Help Center site has been updated to expand the resources available to consumers. The site includes facts and tips on subjects such as developing resilience, recognizing the signs of youth violence, and information on various mental health issues.

“We know that millions of Americans use the Internet to get health care information,” said Russ Newman, APA’s executive director for professional practice. “We want them to have the most up to date information on how psychology can help them with the whole spectrum of things they may face in life, from everyday challenges to life changing events.”

The Help Center’s new look has been designed with direct input from consumers. The magazine-like format will be divided into two main areas: Featured Topics, and Articles and Information. Users will be able to access additional information, facts and tips from the home page.

The American Psychological Association (APA), located in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world’s largest association of psychologists. APA’s membership includes more than 155,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its 53 divisions and its affiliations with 60 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance psychology as a science and profession, and as a means of promoting health, education, and human welfare.

American Psychological Association

CONTACT: Peter Wilson of American Psychological Association,+1-202-336-5910, or pwilson@apa.org