March 31, 2011 -- This year, May 11-12th, the 10th edition of the BioForum biotechnology/pharma trade fair will take place, with the jobvector career day as satelite event. This will be the second time, when the jobvector offer and the newest information regarding the labour market in LifeSciences, Pharma and Medical Sciences will be available for people concerned with this topic in Lodz.
Last year, there was a great deal of interest among the trade fair participants, which made jobvector organise the event showing the latest LifeScience labour market trends once again. This year, at a special career exhibition booth, the participants will have the chance to get to know the most attractive job offers once more. Jobvector has also put effort to show real labour market situations, by organising an interactive lecture, where participants will be able to see a live job interview led by a professional HR specialist. The interviewer will give detailed feedback and assessment of the interview, and highlight the most common mistakes done by the interviewee, giving jobseekers a better chance to become ready for a job interview. Another element of the jobvector programme are workshops. In a specially prepared space, the jobvector check (CV and recruitment documents assessment) will be made by professional consultants (at their discretion).
The specialized portal is becoming more and more popular. It gives visitors the chance to browse employment offers, reaching attractive jobs faster. On the other hand it gives the employers the chance to find specialised employees.
We kindly invite you to the jobvector career day, which is an ideal opportunity to start the recruitment process!
BioForum is not only the trade fair for well known and recognized companies from the biotech sector but also for young energetic people who are entering the challenging path of their career development
BioForum Central European Business Forum of Biotechnology & Innovative BioEconomy along with satellite events will take place
May 11-12th 2011 in the Business Conference Centre of andel’s hotel in Lodz.