Gatan Launces ALTO 1000

Gatan have launched ALTO 1000, a new concept in cryo-SEM that offers exactly the correct configuration of cryo-system for the user’s specific applications and requirements. No more, no less.

No matter whether the requirement is to image specimens that are not vacuum sensitive but would be affected by e-beam heating, or if a user wishes to perform in-depth investigations of hydrated material including assessment of internal microstructure, an appropriate version of ALTO 1000 is available.

Five versions of ALTO 1000 are available and the system’s modularity and range of accessories means that it can be both pre-configured and upgraded if research requirements change.

ALTO 1000 is the world’s most compact cryo-system and it has been specifically designed and engineered to ensure maximum ease of use. Illumination and visibility during sample transfer are excellent and the small volume of the preparation chamber ensures a quick pump-down.

ALTO 1000 is equally at home on high or low vacuum SEMs or combined FIB + SEM instruments. It offers contamination-free operation and has a dedicated preparation chamber that attaches directly to the SEM but is pumped independently. Versions of ALTO 1000 are offered with active cooling and fracturing facilities in the preparation chamber, also sputter coating if required.

For applications where there are advantages in rapidly freezing the specimen outside the preparation chamber a slushing station and vacuum transfer device are available. An ‘impact freezer’ is also available as an option. These rapid freezing facilities offer good ultra-structural preservation with reduced ice crystal formation.

Gatan’s years of experience in cryo-system design means that controls are sited exactly where they are needed. A handy palm sized keypad controller displays and controls system parameters. There are simple, intuitive controls fitted to the major components such as the preparation chamber and the sputter coating option. To guarantee safe functionality each component communicates with each other and electrical and mechanical interlocks are provided.

Gatan works closely with all EM manufacturers to provide optimum configurations on all models of microscope.