RheoSense, Inc. Release: Measuring High Viscosity is a Breeze with µVISC(TM)

August 08, 2011 -- RheoSense, Inc. has released a new viscometer, µVISC™ (micro VISC), the newest product from core VROC® technology.

HC, the newest chip, supports testing of higher viscosity ranges up to 20,000 mPas or higher.

With the NEW HC chip, this cost-effective instrument provides for easy and rapid viscosity measurements and now supports a wider range of applications. This technical combination supports industry demands for tighter quality control and fast and timely decision making.

With a simple 1-2-3 step operation, tests are completed within a minute. With the easy to use menu-driven application program, the user can view graphs of the results and generate a report with the touch of a finger.

µVISC™ is an essential portable instrument for testing and evaluating materials such as inks, biologics, chemicals, oils, and other liquids.

VROC® is the registered trade mark of RheoSense, Inc, an acronym of Viscometer-Rheometer-on-a-chip. It is the only chip based viscometer. The applied measurement principle is well known for simplicity and accuracy in the rheology field and described in most rheology textbooks. Some ISO methods also adopt the core principle.

For additional information about the new µVISC®, contact RheoSense, Inc., 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 270, San Ramon, CA 94583 USA.

Phone: 925-866-3802

Fax: 925-866-3804

E-mail: info@rheosense.com

or visit our Web site: www.rheosense.com

Client Contact:

Rajib Ahmed - email: rahmed@rheosense.com