Van Andel Institute and Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance to Host Rare Tumor Conference

WHAT: Van Andel Institute and the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance to host a regional conference for individuals living with tuberous sclerosis complex on May 4, 2013. The one-day conference allows Tuberous Sclerosis Complex patients and their families the chance to receive important information on caregiving and innovative therapies. Individuals also have the opportunity to have their questions and concerns addressed by a variety of TSC experts. Presenters and panelists include medical professionals and researchers from Van Andel Institute, Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Spectrum Health and Wayne State University.

The event also features a presentation by Dr. Jeff MacKeigan, Van Andel Institute, Program Leader, Pathway of Hope TSC research initiative. The Pathway of Hope research initiative began in January 2013, and aims to find new drug targets and develop potential treatments for TSC patients. The research team, under the direction of Dr. MacKeigan, is working to identify novel drug targets and enroll individuals in a feasibility trial in 2013.

The conference costs $10.00 per person. Those interested in attending can register at

WHEN: SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2013 | 9:00 am – 2:30 pm

WHERE: VAN ANDEL INSTITUTE – 333 Bostwick Ave.NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Please visit for information on the 2013 Regional TSC Conference.

About Tuberous Sclerosis - Tuberous sclerosis complex is a genetic disorder that causes tumors in vital organs throughout the body, affecting the brain, eyes, skin, heart, kidney and lungs. TSC tumors are non-cancerous, but can cause health complications and disorders such as epilepsy and autism.

About Van Andel Institute - Established by Jay and Betty Van Andel in 1996, Van Andel Institute (VAI) is an independent research and educational organization based in Grand Rapids, Mich., dedicated to preserving, enhancing and expanding the frontiers of medical science, and to achieving excellence in education by probing fundamental issues of education and the learning process. Van Andel Research Institute (VARI), VAI’s research arm, is dedicated to studying the genetic, cellular and molecular origins of cancer, Parkinson’s and other diseases and working to translate those findings into effective therapies. This is accomplished through the work of more than 200 researchers in on-site laboratories and in collaborative partnerships that span the globe. Find out more about Van Andel Institute or donate by visiting 100% to Research, Discovery & Hope?.

About the TS Alliance - The Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance is dedicated to finding a cure for tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) while improving the lives of those affected. The Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance was founded in 1974 by four volunteers coming together to provide fellowship, generate awareness, pursue more knowledge and provide hope to those that shared the common bond of tuberous sclerosis complex. These goals are still driving the organization today.