The Notification contains the following information:
Disclosure of a transparency notification
(Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007 on disclosure of major shareholdings)
Mechelen, Belgium, 12 January 2018 - Biocartis (the ‘Company’ or ‘Biocartis’), an innovative molecular diagnostics company (Euronext Brussels: BCART), announces today in accordance with Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings in issuers whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market (the ‘Belgian Transparency Act’), that it received a transparency notification dated 11 January 2018 (the ‘Notification’), indicating that the shareholding of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. has decreased below the 3% notification threshold. It concerns a passive downward crossing of the lowest notification threshold.
The Notification contains the following information:
· Reason for the Notification: Passive crossing of a threshold. Downward crossing of the lowest threshold.
· Notification by: A parent undertaking or a controlling person.
· Persons subject to the notification requirement: Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., GRANTOKYO SOUTH TOWER, 1-9-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6606, Japan; Hitachi, Ltd., 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8280 Japan.
· Transaction date: 28 November 2017.
· Threshold that is crossed: 3%.
· Denominator: 51,069,272.
· Details of the Notification: Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. holds 1,417,346 voting rights (representing 2.78% of the voting rights in Biocartis on the basis of the denominator set out above).
· Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively being held: 51.2% shares of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. is directly held by Hitachi, Ltd., which is a parent company of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. Hitachi, Ltd. is not a csontrolled entity.
The Notification is available here on the website of the Company.
Pursuant to the Belgian Transparency Act and the articles of association of the Company, a notification to the Company and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (‘FSMA’) is required by all natural and legal persons in each case where the percentage of voting rights in the Company held by such persons reaches, exceeds or falls below the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, and every subsequent multiple of 5%, of the total number of voting rights in the Company.
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More information:
Renate Degrave
Manager Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Biocartis
tel +32 15 631 729 | mobile +32 471 53 60 64
About Biocartis
Biocartis (Euronext Brussels: BCART) is an innovative molecular diagnostics (MDx) company providing next generation diagnostic solutions aimed at improving clinical practice for the benefit of patients, clinicians, payers and industry. Biocartis’ proprietary MDx Idylla(TM) platform is a fully automated sample-to-result, real-time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) system that offers accurate, highly reliable molecular information from virtually any biological sample in virtually any setting. Biocartis launched the Idylla(TM) platform in September 2014. Biocartis is developing and marketing a rapidly expanding test menu addressing key unmet clinical needs in oncology and infectious diseases. These areas represent respectively the fastest growing and largest segments of the MDx market worldwide. Today, Biocartis offers twelve oncology tests and two infectious disease tests in Europe. More information: Press Photo Library available here. Follow us on Twitter: @Biocartis_.
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