BioGaia’s Oral Health Probiotic Reduces Pregnancy Gingivitis


“Our study shows that L. reuteri containing lozenges may be a valuable adjunct in the control of pregnancy gingivitis”


A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study in 45 women with pregnancy gingivitis showed that supplementation of L. reuteri Prodentis significantly reduced inflammation and plaque compared to placebo.

“Our study shows that L. reuteri containing lozenges may be a valuable adjunct in the control of pregnancy gingivitis”, says Professor Ulrich Schlagenhauf, Department of Periodontology, University Hospital Würzenburg, Germany.

45 healthy women with pregnancy gingivitis were enrolled at the beginning of their third trimester. Participants were randomly provided with a supply of lozenges to be consumed twice daily until birth (approximately three months), each containing 5 x10^8 cfu of L. reuteri Prodentis or an equivalent placebo. At the end of the intervention period both gingival index and plaque index of the probiotics group were significantly (p < 0.0001) lower than in the placebo group.

Pregnancy gingivitis

Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase the risk of developing gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Half of all pregnant women will experience pregnancy gingivitis. Research have suggested that women with pregnancy gingivitis may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low birth weight than mothers with healthy gums.

”Brushing, flossing and seeing a dentist during pregnancy maintains oral health and may decrease the risk of adverse pregnancy complications. Our study shows that L. reuteri lozenges may be a valuable new tool in the control of pregnancy gingivitis”, says Professor Schlagenhauf.

“BioGaia’s products are popular among mothers around the world who use them for their children throughout childhood. We can now build on this success and offer products also for mothers-to-be to maintain their oral health during pregnancy and thereby give their babies the best opportunities for a good start in life”, says Axel Sjöblad, Managing Director, BioGaia.

The study was published in Journal of Clinical Periodontology ( 27 July 2016.

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This information is information that BioGaia AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 10.00 CET on 8 August 2016.

BioGaia is a healthcare company that develops, markets and sells probiotic products with documented health benefits. The products are primarily based on the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri which has probiotic, health- enhancing effects. The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is quoted on the Mid Cap list of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm.

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+46 8 555 293 00