Biomet Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Net Sales Results with Details Regarding Timing of Full Financial Release and Conference Call

WARSAW, Ind.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Biomet, Inc. announced today preliminary net sales results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended May 31, 2012. Preliminary net sales totaled $739.5 million for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2012, an increase of 3% compared to net sales reported during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2011 of $715.2 million. During the fourth quarter, there were the same number of billing days compared to the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2011. Excluding the effect of foreign currency, preliminary net sales increased 5% during the fourth quarter. U.S. net sales increased 7% to $439.5 million during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2012, while Europe net sales decreased 8% (2% at constant currency) to $182.4 million and International (primarily Canada, South America, Mexico and the Pacific Rim) net sales increased 12% (14% constant currency) to $117.6 million.