Bot Image, Inc. introduced its Prostate Cancer detection, diagnosis, and screening software to the Urologist community at the recent AUA meeting in San Antonio, Texas and received rave reviews.
BELGRADE, Maine, May 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bot Image, Inc., a Nebraska and Maine based Artificial Intelligence medical device company (, introduced its Prostate Cancer detection, diagnosis, and screening software to the Urologist community at the recent AUA meeting in San Antonio, Texas and received rave reviews. Urologists from around the world shared their comments that they were all too often disappointed and distrusted the radiological reports received from interpretation of prostate MRI as they frequently missed cancers as well as created a large number of false positives that the urologists then had to explain to their clients, the patients. Bot Image unveiled the fact that its ProstatID™ software was also FDA-cleared for lesion detection, segmentation AND classification. Dr. Randall Jones, CEO and founder of Bot Image noted that “this level of performance is something quite unique in this fast evolving industry. Other AI products provide some level of physician aid to identifying suspect lesions, but ProstatID does the heavy lifting of segmentation and classification by providing physicians with a PI-RADS score as well as risk assessment score for each lesion along a continuous scale from 1-99". Every urologist that attended the Bot Image booth, was impressed by the reported performance of the software (93.6% AUROC) but even more expressive about the software’s output reports that include not only the colorized “heat map” indicating the location and margins of the lesions on axial T2-weighted MRI images, but also the unique indications in 3D views of the risk colored solid lesions within translucent prostate organ. These views present ideal targeting for Cognitive Fusion Guidance or can be utilized in conjunction with FUSION guided treatment planning and execution. Dr. D. Russell Locke, a leading urologist who uses ProstatID to review MRI scans on all of his patients noted, after visiting all of the vendors at the AUA meeting, that “ProstatID had the most significant impact on Prostate cancer detection and treatment planning of any of the products at this meeting”. He went on to reiterate that “All urologists should be using ProstatID”.
SOURCE Bot Image Inc. |