Calixar Raises €1 Million

This new round will enable the French biotech company to license-out its isolation technologies for complex therapeutic targets and viral antigens.

Lyon, February 23, 2015 – Calixar, the French biotech company specialized in the native isolation of complex therapeutic targets and antigens, announced the completion of its second round of financing with its historical investors - Siparex, Veymont Participations, INPG Entreprise SA, and regional business angels (Health-Angels Rhône-Alpes, Savoie Angels and Grenoble Angels). Moreover, Bpifrance (French public investment bank) and the Banque Populaire supplemented this funding through repayable advance and specific credit (Innov & Plus) supported by the European Union.

The new financing will enable Calixar to confirm its excellent results, especially on the development of new Influenza vaccines and high affinity antibodies to GPCRs; they will be available for partnership with the pharmaceutical industry by the second semester 2015.

Calixar unique approach allows to preserve the native state of membrane proteins - 70% of therapeutic targets - involved in numerous pathologies. The company currently owns 5 patents.

“We are very proud of the continued confidence of our historical investors and financial partners. These funds will enable us to accelerate our internal research programs while continuing to offer our know-how and technologies to support our clients’ discovery programs in Europe, the United States and Japan”, declared Emmanuel Dejean, President & CEO of Calixar.

“Considering the good results obtained with global pharmaceuticals leaders as well as the recent encouraging breakthroughs on internal programs, we have decided to renew our support to Calixar to achieve this new stage of development” explained Guilhem De Vregille, Associate Director of Siparex Venture Capital.


CALIXAR, based in Lyon (France), develops new approaches to isolate in solution - with the highest purity levels - full-length membrane antigens and proteins (GPCRs, Ion Channels, Transporters, Receptors and Viral Proteins), while keeping their structural and functional integrity. CALIXAR’s approach represents an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to start and work with high quality targets or antigens before formulating vaccines, developing antibodies, and/or discovering a primary lead through Structure Based Drug Design or High Throughput Screening assays.

For further information, please contact
Martine Mouly, PhD
Chief Communication Officer at CALIXAR
+33 481 076 460

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