Transition Bio Shifting into Second Gear with New Executive Team

Transition Bio named Gregory Miller as chief executive officer, Prof. Tuomas Knowles as chief technology officer and Martin Kulander as chief operating officer, among several others.

Transition Bio has started filling key roles in the company almost a year after announcing its launch.

In a statement today, the biotechnology startup named Gregory Miller as chief executive officer, Prof. Tuomas Knowles as chief technology officer, and Martin Kulander as chief operating officer, among several others.

Miller was previously the chief business officer at Atalanta Therapeutics and will be added to Transition Bio’s board. Prof. Knowles, a scientific co-founder and director, will be leading the firm’s technology and data platform and Condensomics arm, while Kulander, who held several executive positions at AstraZeneca, will oversee the company’s business operations.

Transition Bio closed its Series Seed financing round in September 2020 and immediately announced its launch in November. The company said its goal is to create first-in-class technological capabilities that would evaluate and advance cell biology and condensate research. Transition Bio has two locations: Cambridge in Massachusetts and Cambridge in the UK.

Its board of directors is composed of world-renowned scientists such as Prof. David Weitz of Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Prof. Tuomas Knowles of the University of Cambridge, Dr. Samuel Cohen (UK), David Zimbie, Esq (Israel), and Kelly Martin (who is serving as executive chairman). Owen Hughes also holds an advisory role.

Besides the three executives mentioned earlier, also joining the core team are Joseph Grosso as vice president of Oncology Translation and Dr. Sarah Teichmann as scientific co-founder and board member. Grosso held key positions at Bristol Myers Squibb prior to joining the company.

“Over the last 12 to 18 months, we have been precisely focused on building a technology and data platform within the world of condensates cell biology. Our advancement to-date – in terms of speed and capability - has exceeded all of our internal expectations. Given our accelerated progress, this is the right time to aggressively add unique talent at all levels of the Company. Greg, Martin, Tuomas, Sarah, and Joe are all superb additions to the team,” said Martin in a statement.

“The Company’s goal is quite straight forward: To be the leading technology and data driven company in the condensates cell biology space. Our discovery engine generates and learns from proprietary data of unparalleled breadth and depth, down to the single condensate level. The opportunities resulting from our discovery and analytical expertise will be second to none,” added Martin.

Transition Bio is anchoring its efforts on its Condensomics platform, which merges biophysics and artificial intelligence to create a drug discovery engine that harnesses droplet microfluidic and cellular platforms to discover, validate, and design new treatments.