Christoph Schwaiger

Freelance writer

Christoph is a freelance journalist focusing primarily on health, AI, and current affairs. Just after obtaining a degree in biomedical science, Schwaiger developed a passion for writing which took him out of the lab and into the world chasing stories and sources. Schwaiger is a strong believer in community service and was elected to various local and national roles over the years, mainly in organizations focused on empowering young people. He can be reached at or on LinkedIn.

The intellectual property landscape for newer gene-editing technologies, like that for CRISPR-Cas9, remains unclear and hard to navigate.
As the yearslong litigation over ownership of CRISPR gene editing continues, investors have forged ahead with funding the technology’s development by biopharma.
Last month, the agency hired a new director for the Office of Therapeutic Products, but both leadership and support staff positions remain open.