Condolences Senator McCain’s Family - Cell Phones Can Cause Glioblastoma Brain Tumors - Time To Warn & Prevent

Our Deepest Condolences To Senator McCain’s Family.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Our Deepest Condolences To Senator McCain’s Family. Recent Study From England Shows More Than A Doubling of Glioblastomas In The Areas Of The Brain That Receive The Most Cell Phone Radiation. The Italian Supreme Court Has Already Ruled1 That Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors. In the US, Brain Tumors are the #1 Cancer for Children 15-19yrs, our heavy users of cell phones.

The World Leading Researcher In Brain Cancer and Cell Phone Radiation Professor and Oncologist Lennart Hardell MD PhD Can Prove that Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors and He Insists People Must Be Warned and Protected (LennartHardell2). Lennart Hardell MD PHD and Leading Cancer Epidemiologist Anthony Miller MD, FRCP, FRCP(C), FFPH Along with 207 Medical Doctors and Scientists Expert in Wireless Radiation Health Effects Insist We Reduce Our Overall Exposure to Wireless RF Radiation by Stopping The Roll Out of 5G Wireless Technology Which Will Very Significantly Increase Our Exposure By Forcing A Cell Tower Transmitter Every 2-10 homes (

Unfortunately, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the amount of brain tumors in the 3 areas3 of the brain which receive the most cell phone radiation: Temporal Lobe, Cerebellum, and Frontal Lobe4. Most people do not know that Senator McCain was reported to have 2 cell towers on his property adding to his exposure from his cell phone. The recent $25 million US NTP Study showed an increase in brain tumors and DNA Damage from whole body cell phone radiation exposure non-thermally below current FCC safety guidelines.

Long time advisor to World Health Organization, Anthony Miller MD, FRCP, FRCP(C), FFPH, explains, “Cell phone radiation can clearly cause brain tumors. With the epidemiological studies of humans and the recent findings of the US National Toxicology Program study and Ramazzini Institute Study, we have enough evidence to classify wireless Radiofrequency radiation as a Class 1 Human Carcinogen5 like cigarette smoke and Asbestos. Therefore, we really need to warn our citizens and reduce overall exposure, especially for children who absorb twice the amount of cell phone radiation. I am joined by my colleagues in demanding a moratorium on the roll out of new 5G wireless technology which will very significantly increase everyone’s exposure to this radiation until adequate safety testing is done and exposure safety standards are established.”

Kevin Mottus
Outreach Director
CA Brain Tumor Association


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SOURCE California Brain Tumor Association