DNA Diet Plan, a first-of-its-kind, personalized, and scientifically-grounded online weight loss program, is now available.
MELVILLE, N.Y., March 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- DNA Diet Plan, a first-of-its-kind, personalized, and scientifically-grounded online weight loss program, is now available. Members simply upload their raw data results from AncestryDNA or 23andMe, the two most popular consumer DNA tests, to receive customized weekly meal plans, grocery lists, new recipes, exercise plans, and exclusive content into how genetics play a role in weight loss and healthy living. For those who haven’t already taken a DNA test, DNA Diet Plan is designed to jump-start their weight loss and guide members to healthy eating as they wait to receive their individualized results. Each member also has the added benefit of access to health and wellness information from Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s leading experts in medical education, research, and practice. “When so many New Year’s diets have failed, DNA Diet Plan’s debut comes at the right time. I believe the secret to losing weight is in your DNA and we have combined a diet with the latest science together with content from Mayo Clinic,” says Scott Penn, founder of DNA Diet Plan. “I have had my own personal weight loss journey and found that the diet industry’s one-size-fits-all approach simply does not work. Our program delivers individualized, effective weight loss plans to our members.” DNA Diet Plan is built on the same successful platform from Digital Wellness that has inspired over 500,000 consumers to lose weight healthily. This platform is built through a unique combination of nutrition and behavioral science, along with health and wellness insights. Members can expect an analysis of up to 20 insights in their DNA, such as their risk of obesity, sensitivity to alcohol, caffeine or lactose, and their tendency to be an emotional or a “hangry” eater, among other factors. “Mayo Clinic delivers original, trusted health and wellness content to assist individuals who are seeking to make positive lifestyle changes to improve their overall health,” says Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., a Mayo Clinic general internal medicine specialist and associate medical director, Mayo Clinic Global Business Solutions. “Offering easy-to-access, evidence-based Mayo Clinic information on diet, physical activity, and other health topics can help support individuals through their pursuit of weight loss and improved quality of life.” Membership to DNA Diet Plan is $9.99 per week for 12 weeks, or $99 for 3 months. The program is available via a personalized desktop dashboard at DNADietPlan.com. DNA Diet Plan also offers an extra incentive and motivation to lose weight: If a member completes 12 weeks of DNA Diet Plan and loses weight, their entire membership fee will be refunded. To sign up for a free DNA Weight Loss Profile and to join DNA Diet Plan, visit DNADietPlan.com. About DNA Diet Plan DNA Diet Plan was designed by Digital Wellness, a leading digital wellness business committed to credible health. Digital Wellness is dedicated to delivering the world’s best health and weight loss platforms using the latest scientific knowledge. About Scott Penn Scott Penn has been an influential member of the health and weight loss industry for more than 20 years. He has firsthand experience with weight loss, having struggled with his weight since his early teenage years. He previously held the positions of CEO of Australasia and Global Vice President of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Scott has been instrumental in lobbying government and health insurers to increase awareness of the obesity crisis. He has continued that passionate pursuit with submissions to several government committees, including the 2020 Summit and House of Representatives Inquiry into Obesity. Official Website Social Media
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