Editorial Team

According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 23% of hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds reading a resume. Make the most of those seconds with these five tips to make your resume stand out.
To help alleviate some of the stress related to finding a new job, we’ve created a comprehensive guide detailing how to prepare for your biopharma job search.
BioSpace spoke with Dr. Samuel Dyer, CEO of The MSL Society, to find out everything you need to know to become a medical science liaison.
Consider limiting your use of “manage” on your resume, opting instead for more powerful, descriptive synonyms. To help, here are 19 powerful keywords for your resume to indicate you’re a leader.
If you want to work in biopharma but only have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, there are still plenty of options available. To help, here are five job options in biopharma that don’t require a Ph.D.