Cassava Sciences Inc.
After years of controversy and allegations of doctored data, Cassava is moving on from Alzheimer’s.
Cassava Sciences has revealed the late-stage clinical failure of controversial Alzheimer’s drug simulfilam. The company had pledged to share the results whether “good, bad or ambiguous.”
BioSpace takes a look at the headlines across a heavy earnings week for biotechs, checking in on Allogene, Rapport and more.
Despite the settlement, the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday sued Cassava Sciences in the Western District Court of Texas, claiming that the company misled investors regarding the Phase IIb performance of its Alzheimer’s disease drug candidate.
As the DOJ and SEC look into two of its senior employees, Cassava Sciences’ CEO and one senior vice president have departed the company.
The biopharma’s data manipulation controversy continues with a recently leaked City University of New York report, which found signs of “egregious” and “deliberate” misconduct by a company advisor.
Cassava Sciences reported Phase II data from its Alzheimer’s candidate simufilam Tuesday. The company’s stock dropped 17% following the reveal.
Cassava filed a lawsuit in federal court against individuals linked to a Citizen’s Petition filed with the FDA that raised concerns about data manipulation in a clinical study of simufilam.
Cassava Sciences has been informed by the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease that there is no evidence to support the charges, the company said Thursday.