Feeling Unmotivated? 3 Motivation Tips to Reinvigorate Your Career

Some rejuvenating motivation tips to make your wor

Some rejuvenating motivation tips to make your wor

Is your job is slowly starting to make you feel unmotivated or unproductive? Are you unable to work properly? Use these motivation tips to rejuvenate yourself.

Some rejuvenating motivation tips to make your work experience amazing.

As we enter the twelfth month of the pandemic, it can feel like we’re living the same day over and over again: Wake up, work, do more work, end work, eat dinner, go to sleep, repeat. It’s likely you’ve settled into a routine of sorts, whether it’s one you consciously created or one that just fell into place. However, it’s important to remember that while some aspects of a routine are positive, others can cause burnout and job fatigue.

Previously, it was easier to grab lunch with a co-worker, host a big group brainstorming session, attend client meetings, and generally inject more life into your day-to-day tasks. But, with jobs remaining remote and people continuing to conduct most work via video, it’s easy to feel like you’re a hamster spinning on a wheel. Therefore it may be a sign that you need some motivation tips to enhance your performance.

Useful Motivation Tips That Can Enhance Your Work Experience

So, if your job is slowly starting to make you feel unmotivated or unproductive, try these ways to reinvigorate it.

Schedule Time Away from Your Desk

Humans weren’t meant to be as sedentary as we are and sitting at a desk for eight or more hours a day isn’t productive. While yes, a large majority of your job needs to be done at a computer, and therefore in a sedentary position, it’s important to get up and moving throughout the day.

This could be brainstorming how to tackle a new project, or scheduling a catch-up with a co-worker or manager, while on a walk, building in a mid-morning workout into your calendar, or eating your meals away from your computer. It’s easy to get into the habit of never leaving your computer until it’s dark outside, but that can quickly take its toll. So, follow these motivation tips, schedule mini-breaks into your calendar and, when possible, take your more abstract work away from your computer.

Work When You’re Most Productive

Morning people and night owls really do exist; some people are just more productive in the mornings, while others are completely the opposite. Traditional office setups make it hard to work when you’re the most productive, but with the rise of more permanent remote work setups, it might be worth talking to your manager about skewing your working hours towards when you feel best.

In fact, some companies have core working hours where everyone is required to be on, but besides that, you can work when you want to. While it may be harder to implement a company-wide policy, it’s likely more feasible to work out a one-off situation with your manager. And, if they seem a bit hesitant, suggest a trial period. That way, you can both reevaluate after a set amount of time and you can offer anecdotes or data about how the setup helped your productivity.

Evaluate Your Tasks

If you’ve been in your current position for a while, you could be starting to outgrow your responsibilities. Something that used to challenge or excite you is now second nature. So, while you might not be able to pass off those tasks, it’s likely they take less time now which opens up space for additional projects. One of the productive motivation tips is to sit down with your manager to discuss upcoming team projects and how you can help. Be honest and express how you’ve felt your current role has become monotonous and you’d like to continue learning with the company by taking on something new.

While your manager might not be able to do something right away, talking to them about your career goals and how you feel about your current role gives them insight into how they can help you down the line.

The bottom line? It’s difficult right now to feel overly motivated or excited about anything. However, making a few changes to your workload, following these motivation tips and routine can help invigorate you to excel at your job and make it a little bit easier to wake up every morning.

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