EXTON, PA – For the second time in one month, company growth has earned recognition for Frontage Laboratories, Inc., a global contract research organization (CRO) that is now celebrating 10 years of service to the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device communities.
SmartCEO magazine just published the winners of the 2012 Philadelphia SmartCEO/Clifton Gunderson Future 50 awards, which recognize the area’s 50 fastest-growing companies based on employee and revenue growth over the past three years.
The impressive group of CEOs includes Frontage Founder, Chairman and CEO Song Li, PhD. Together, the CEOs lead companies that boast $10 billion in collective revenues and manage more than 55,000 employees in the Greater Philadelphia area, according to the publication. The original announcement came in December just days after Dr. Li and Frontage won the “Realizing the American Dream” award from the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians. “Comprehensive growth is applause-worthy in healthy economic times. This year’s group of winners has ignored the recession and created innovative new avenues for growth. The business community is healthier and stronger due to their efforts,” said SmartCEO magazine President and Co-founder Craig Burris.
Selected from more than 120 nominations, Frontage won its place with revenue growth of 40% and employee headcount that increased almost 300% from 2008 to 2010.
“This award recognizes several major shifts in the last 10 years, including the expansion of the company from a single testing lab to a fully integrated CRO that can provide full services throughout the whole pharmaceutical development process,” said Dr. Li.
SmartCEO magazine profiles local award winners in the January 2012 issue of the publication in Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, reaching 60,000 print and digital subscribers. An online version of the Frontage profile is available here. On January 12, SmartCEO will announce the winners on-stage in front of more than 650 leaders of the local business community at a black-tie optional dinner reception hosted at The Drexelbrook in Drexel Hill, PA.
About Frontage
Frontage Laboratories, Inc. is a global contract research, development and manufacturing organization, offering a full range of pharmaceutical R&D services. Frontage operates in the US and China, using one seamless GXP platform. Frontage runs three Phase 1 Clinical units, a 72-bed Phase 1 Unit in Hackensack, NJ, a 120-bed Phase 1 Unit in Zhengzhou, Henan Province China, and a-80 bed Phase 1 Unit in Changchun, Jiling Province China. Frontage has an AALAC certified preclinical animal facility in Pennsylvania, where it also maintains bioanalytical and CMC facilities. In Shanghai and Beijing, China, the company also operates bioanalytical and CMC facilities. As a rapidly expanding CRO with ten years of success providing high-quality GXP services, Frontage has established an international standard in pharmaceutical product research, development, quality and management systems.