Hanni Ali will be representing Hamilton this week at the flagship meeting of SOLVE, a global initiative that facilitates technology-based solutions to pressing issues facing the world’s communities.
HAMILTON, Bermuda, May 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Hamilton Re, the Bermuda-based insurance and reinsurance platform for Hamilton Insurance Group (“Hamilton”), today announced that Senior Vice President Risk & Analytics, Hanni Ali, will be representing Hamilton this week at the flagship meeting of SOLVE, a global initiative that facilitates technology-based solutions to pressing issues facing the world’s communities. The annual event, held at SOLVE’s home base at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA, attracts more than 500 prominent cross-sector leaders as well as members of the MIT community. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the featured speaker at the 2018 annual meeting. Mr. Ali will be attending the event as a member of the Healthy Cities Leadership Group, one of four focus areas in SOLVE’s 2019 Global Challenge. Submissions are currently being invited for solutions to designing and living in environments that promote physical and mental health. Entries are also invited in the three other Global Challenge areas of focus: Community-Driven Innovation, Early Childhood Development and Circular Economy. At the request of Hamilton Group CEO Pina Albo, who attended SOLVE’s 2018 Global Challenge event, Mr. Ali has represented Hamilton at SOLVE since 2018 when he was a member of the Coastal Communities Leadership Group. “The work that SOLVE does is meaningful from a number of perspectives,” said Mr. Ali. “Seeking purposeful solutions to global issues that have a direct impact on improving the lives of underprivileged individuals is important to me and should be important to all of us. In that regard, I’m proud to support SOLVE’s work in any way I can. “I’m also proud that Hamilton was the first insurance company to become a member of SOLVE. Our focus on technology aligns well with SOLVE’s mission. Our membership is tangible evidence of our belief that data science and analytics can fundamentally transform underwriting and enhance the manner in which we provide risk protection to the underserved.” About Hamilton Re and Hamilton Insurance Group Hamilton Re is the Bermuda-based platform for Hamilton Insurance Group, the Bermuda-based holding company for property and casualty insurance and reinsurance operations in Bermuda and at Lloyd’s. The Company leverages analytics and research to create underwriting and investment value for its clients and shareholders. For more information, please visit www.hamiltongroup.com | Twitter: @HamiltonInsures | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hamilton-insurance-group Media contact:
SOURCE Hamilton Insurance Group |