How to Prepare for a Talent Connect Career Event

How to Prepare for a Talent Connect Career Event
May 1, 2017
By Shaeffer Smith, Contributor

When preparing for most career fairs, you should prepare yourself physically and mentally–to stand in line all day, practice your elevator pitch and hand out business cards and move on. But not at any Talent Connect event.

Talent Connect is a unique career event, where life sciences professionals have the opportunity to network with hundreds of professionals in their region. Attendees also have the chance to speak directly with hiring managers about specific openings from top biotech, pharma, medical device and diagnostics companies in a relaxed, roundtable environment. Think of it as a networking event where you KNOW they’re looking to fill positions.

Follow these tips to stand out to employers at this event, and hopefully land you the job!

Come prepared

While you may not need to physically prepare yourself for grueling, endless hours of standing, you do need to go to the event prepared! Have plenty of copies of your most updated resume, your business card and also your portfolio (if you have one). You never know what may come up in conversations!

Do your research

See what companies are attending the event and what positions they are currently hiring for. You can then tailor your time to those companies that have positions you are interested in! Also, as with interviews, it is always important to know about a company you are looking to work at. Then you can blow them away with your knowledge!

Dress appropriately

You should dress to impress your potential employer. Be professional, put together and classy, but not uptight!

Be outgoing

There is more room for you to show your personality and go deeper into your experiences when you’re not waiting in line! That’s how the informality of the roundtables can benefit you. So use the opportunities of the round tables to strike up conversations with hiring managers, or even network with fellow professionals. You may make a great connection when you step out of your comfort zone, so give it a try!


Finally, relax and enjoy the event! Don’t think too hard about what you have to say or do. Be yourself and it will be a great experience no matter what.

Best of luck from all of us here at BioSpace. We’ll see you there at Talent Connect!