Already the industry’s most secure notebook PC, the IBM ThinkPad now comes with an integrated fingerprint reader. Introduced today, the new ThinkPad features a model that delivers simplified access to password-protected personal and financial information, web sites, documents and email while offering an unmatched level of data protection through its new biometric capability and embedded security subsystem, IBM India said. Sanjeev Menon, brand manager, mobile computing, IBM India, said, “Today we raised the bar on security for the entire PC industry. What was once considered sci-fi technology is now available to all enterprises, large and small, in the notebook of choice for everyday business. “The first biometric ThinkPad combines a fingerprint reader with an embedded security subsystem, providing a layer of security that is built-in, not bolted on. We take our customers’ security into account in every aspect of our business solutions, from PCs to servers to middleware to wireless networks.’ The fingerprint reader is built into select models of the ThinkPad T42. With the new reader, located on the wrist rest below the arrow keys, users swipe their finger across a small horizontally oriented sensor to log-on to their systems, software applications, web sites, or databases. The scanning process takes only seconds, combining convenience with the strongest notebook security available as a standard feature. This type of fingerprint reader captures more data than a traditional “picture” capture Window because it scans more of the fingertip’s surface area, helping to prevent misidentification, the company said.