Merlyn Medical Launches New Product Lines And Extensions

TUSTIN, Calif., Oct. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Merlyn Medical today announced the launch of five new product lines -- laryngeal masks, blood/fluid warmers, advanced personal fitness monitors, premium stethoscopes, and a new line of tracheal tubes -- in addition to several line extensions to their popular EndoFlex endotracheal tubes. The new products will be launched at the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Conference in Chicago, October 14-18, Booths 378 and 380.

EndoMask(R), Merlyn’s new line of laryngeal masks, features the clearest tubes on the market, according to Jay Kotin, Merlyn president. “This is important because clear tubes enable easy detection of any secretions or debris.” Kotin adds that using the purest materials available makes the EndoMask tube clarity possible. EndoMask models include EndoMask Elite(TM), a silicone reusable, which can be autoclaved with confidence 40 times, and the single-use EndoMask Essential(TM), produced using Merlyn’s exclusive Clearescent(TM) PVC.

Another new product line is Merlyn Stethoscopes(TM), featuring proprietary rotating, soft ear buds to assure superior acoustic seal and exceptional comfort. “These new stethoscopes far exceed the quality and performance of all leading brands worldwide,” says Dr. Michael Wong, Merlyn vice president.

The proprietary BenchMark(TM) stereo stethoscope takes medical listening devices to a new level, according to Dr. Wong. “It enables the clinician to differentiate between respiratory sounds, heart murmurs, normal heart, and prosthetic valve sounds with a greater degree of ease and accuracy than ever before.” It is the only truly stereophonic stethoscope on the market, Dr. Wong adds.

The third new product line is Merlyn Fitness Monitors(TM), personal monitors equipped with accelerometers that analyze the intensity and duration of the wearer’s activity. These sophisticated instruments calculate the calories expended, compute metabolic rate, and store data in proprietary software that can be extracted by individuals, as well as by health professionals responsible for modifying client/patient physical activity behavior.

Merlyn is also introducing a new category of proprietary infusion/blood warmers. Merlyn Fluid Warmers(TM) is the result of a partnership between Merlyn and Elltec, a major Japanese manufacturer. There are four initial models, including Lifort(TM), a simple-to-use enteral nutrition warmer and FlexWarmer(TM), which requires no electricity or battery power. “FlexWarmer(TM), is ideal for emergency transportation vehicles, rescue, or other field uses where power is not easily available,” Kotin asserts. “There are no similar products on the market.”

Finally, an addition to their tracheal tube category is Merlyn EndoTube(TM), a complete line of ET tubes with a non-flexing tip, made of the same fine materials as EndoFlex.

Merlyn Medical has also announced several extensions to its popular proprietary line of EndoFlex(R) tracheal tubes, including new low-volume, tapered cuff versions of all models, uncuffed tubes, and EndoFlex(R) Pre-Loaded with Rigid Stylet for extreme cases and emergency situations. All tubes feature the EndoFlex(R) patented, articulating distal tip, which allows clinicians to make instant critical tip adjustments, if needed, when encountering difficult airway situations -- without the need to switch tubes or add a stylet.

“Merlyn’s goal is to offer clinicians a single source for exceptionally innovative, effective medical devices at competitive prices,” Kotin says. “These outstanding new lines help us accomplish this goal.”

Merlyn Medical is a full-service medical innovator, developer, manufacturer and marketer headquartered in Tustin, CA. Merlyn products are distributed by leading medical device firms worldwide. Additional information is available at

Merlyn Medical

CONTACT: Nancy Hoover, mobile +1-619-988-6978, for Merlyn Medical