New Technology Using Predictive Models to Create Highly Tailored Plans for Infrastructure Maintenance Management

Long-term maintenance and management plans can be fine-tuned to administrative objectives

Dec. 2, 2019 02:10 UTC

Long-term maintenance and management plans can be fine-tuned to administrative objectives

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503), Tokyo Institute of Technology and Kagoshima University announced today a basic technology that roadway and railway administrators will use to prepare highly tailored long-term maintenance and management plans for infrastructure. The technology is now being refined in cooperation with the city of Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture, where a verification test began this month targeting bridges managed by the city. Going forward, tests involving a variety of bridges in Satsumasendai will be conducted to improve the accuracy of the technology. Application in other regions of Japan and for other types of infrastructure also is planned.
The technology was announced today at a conference being held by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in Japan to present research and hold discussions regarding the challenges of construction management.

Key Features

1) Deterioration-rate model focuses on type of damage to predict infrastructure repair needs

Based on data and inspections of 538 bridges in Satsumasendai, a unique model is being refined to predict the rate of deterioration in concrete bridges, focusing on types of damage that have the greatest impact, such as cracks, concrete delamination and rebar exposure. The model identifies infrastructure degradation at an early stage and predicts when infrastructure will need to be repaired (Fig. 2).

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Source: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation