Old-Fashioned Job Application Tricks That Still Work

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September 19, 2013

4 Job Search Alternatives to Applying Online

By Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, Expert Resume Writer

The process of job seeking has nearly turned upside-down over the past decade thanks to the Internet and changes that have accompanied newer technology. One of the major adjustments we’ve witnessed is the manner in which employers accept applications.

Primarily, companies require candidates to submit applications via their online systems to improve convenience for all parties involved. But believe it or not, if you’re serious about getting a callback, applying online simply isn’t good enough.

Getting Back to Application Basics

The process of applying for a job has always been a bit of a tedious one, which is why many candidates—and employers for that matter—felt a sense of relief when new programs emerged that allowed applicants to submit their materials over the Internet.

Unfortunately, turning in applications online is an impersonal process that results in some resumes never being viewed by human eyes. As a valuable candidate, your job is to ensure a person has the opportunity to see your resume. And while this may not be possible when submitting via the Internet, it becomes easier if you get back to application basics by turning in resumes the old-fashioned way: in person.

4 Additional Ways to Apply for job

Are you curious about some alternate ways to apply for jobs when you’re accustomed to taking the online route? Here are a few to consider:

1. Mail your resume: One way to make sure you stand out from other applicants vying for a position you want is to send your resume via snail mail. Better yet, overnight it so that it shows you’re serious about having it seen by a person.

2. Apply via fax: Another option to consider is sending your resume and additional documents via fax. But before doing so, it’s important that you speak with a company representative to not only find out to whom you should address the fax to but also to ensure that it will be picked up.

3. Drop your resume off with the employer: If you’ve heard about a potential position or simply want to inquire about opportunities, you can make cold visits to companies where you stop in, ask to see a hiring manager or recruiter and, at the very least, drop off your resume with a human being.

4. Attend a job fair: Finally, a great way to not only put your resume in a company representative’s hands but also increase your chances of scoring an interview on the spot, is by visiting a job fair. These events provide job seekers with an amazing opportunity to use charisma to their advantage before ever being called into an interview. Don’t miss your chance to do the same!

It’s always good to remember if an employer carries strict submission guidelines, then you want to adhere to them specifically. But if there’s room to use an alternate route for submitting your application, then by all means, take the extra steps needed to get your resume in front of human eyes.

About the Author

Jessica Hernandez, is a resume authority for the Job Talk America radio program and multi-published expert author for resume, career, and job search publications. She boasts more than ten years in human resources management and hiring for Fortune 500 companies and utilizes her extensive experience to support job seekers in their quest to move onward and upward in their careers. Find out more at Great Resumes Fast.

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