Oncoceutics Commemorates National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Oncoceutics, a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company, commemorates National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September and reiterates its support for children and all those affected by childhood cancer.

Philadelphia, PA (September 16, 2019)Oncoceutics, a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company, commemorates National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September and reiterates its support for children and all those affected by childhood cancer. Cancer remains one of the greatest current health challenges, and childhood cancer kills more children in the United States than any other disease.

“In commemorating this month, we recognize not only the children currently battling cancer, but also the families of those children, the clinicians and caregivers treating them, the survivors, the children who have lost their lives, and the researchers working to defeat this disease,” Said Wolfgang Oster, MD, PhD, and Chief Executive Officer of Oncoceutics. “Although there has been significant progress in the battle against childhood cancer, there remains a strong need for new and innovative approaches to help change the future of this terrible disease.”

Oncoceutics is developing a family of compounds called “imipridones,” that have been shown to be both well-tolerated and effective against advanced cancers. The company’s lead compound, ONC201, is in Phase II clinical trials and has shown a benign safety profile and signs of efficacy against a difficult to treat subtype of brain cancer called H3 K27M-mutant glioma. This mutation is present in approximately 10% of all gliomas, and occurs at a particularly high rate among children and young adults. Emerging results from clinical trials with ONC201 in children with H3 K27M-mutant glioma are encouraging. The company was invited by the FDA to present at the pediatric Oncology Drug Advisory Committee on June 20. A video recording is available online.

Oncoceutics is currently enrolling patients in clinical trials to evaluate ONC201 for patients with recurrent H3 K27M-mutant gliomas, including glioblastoma and DIPG. The trials can be found on clinicaltrials.gov by the following links: NCT03416530, NCT03295396, NCT03295396.

“Oncoceutics remains committed to changing the treatment landscape for childhood cancer, and we are honored to be working with leading cancer centers, researchers, and patient advocacy groups around the country,” adds Lee Schalop, MD, and Chief Operation Officer of Oncoceutics. “We recognize the importance of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in bringing national attention to this devastating disease, and encourage the public to support patient advocacy groups, learn more about the latest treatment options, and join us in commemorating this month.”

Oncoceutics partners with and supports The Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research & Information, The Michael Mosier Defeat DIPG Foundation, Cancer Commons, The Cure Starts Now Foundation, and The National Cancer Institute.

To learn more about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and how to get involved, visit:

About Oncoceutics

Oncoceutics, Inc. is a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company with a novel class of compounds, called “imipridones,” that selectively target G protein-coupled receptors for oncology. The first lead compound to emerge from this program is ONC201, an orally active small molecule DRD2 antagonist, the first one that exhibits a highly specific bi-topic binding to the receptor. The company is supported by grants from the NCI, FDA, The Musella Foundation, and a series of private and public partnerships.

Visit Oncoceutics for more information.