Patient Safety Movement Foundation is urging clinicians, patient advocates, hospitals and medical technology companies to support Data Sharing as part of the 2020 Federal Health IT plan.
“One of the key ways to combat preventable patient deaths in hospitals is for companies to share their data in a HIPAA compliant manner instead of hoarding it for profit. The plan proposed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will help create the personalized patient data superhighway we need to reduce and eliminate preventable deaths in our hospitals,” said Joe Kiani, Founder of the Patient Safety Movement and Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Masimo. “If we block patient data, no one can create algorithms that can warn clinicians of potential problems before they happen. We are already losing way too many people to medical errors in our hospitals each year, and we can’t delay this any longer.”
Several years ago, a young man named Rory Staunton died of Sepsis because of exactly this type of fragmented medical information system. “On Tuesday, my son Rory was playing basketball at a school gym, fell and cut himself. His teacher put a bandaid on it. He died 5 days later from Sepsis,” said Orlaith Staunton. “Despite having a high heart rate for his size as measured by a patient monitor at his pediatrician’s office and a high white blood cell count that was detected in the Emergency Department’s blood test machine, Rory was sent home because no one had all of the details of his problems and care. They couldn’t put the high heart rate and high white blood cell count together with the full story to realize he had Sepsis. Had we had data sharing allowing a complete view of his history and condition or the benefit of a predictive algorithm to track my son’s case when he was connected to various monitors and blood test machines, he would probably be alive today.”
Since the founding of the Patient Safety Movement, nearly 100 companies have signed the voluntary Open Data Pledge, including Baxter, Cerner, Dräger, Edwards Lifesciences, GE Healthcare, IBM, Masimo, Medtronic, Oracle, Philips and Zoll. Complete list below. For more information on how you can sign the Pledge, please visit For more information regarding the 2020 Federal Health IT Plan, please visit
Companies that have signed the Patient Safety Movement Foundation Open Data Pledge (alphabetical order):
AccuHealth Group |
Admetsys |
AirStrip |
Ambient Clinical |
Baxter |
BD Intelliport (formerly CRISI Medical Systems) |
Bernoulli Health |
Beterra Health |
Biovigil |
BrainStem Biometrics |
caresyntax, Inc. |
Cercacor |
Cerner |
Cheetah Medical, Inc. |
Clean Hands-Safe Hands |
CNSystems Medizintechnik AG |
Codonics |
CrossChx |
DebMed |
Decisio Health |
Deltex Medical |
Doctella |
Dräger |
DynaLabs LLC |
11 Health |
EarlySense |
eBroselow, LLC |
Edwards LifeSciences |
Forcare |
FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc. |
GE Healthcare |
Genomi-k |
Hamilton Medical AG |
Handtevy-Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc. |
Healthcentrix |
Heartin Inc. |
HeROScore |
Hiteks |
IBM Watson Health |
ICUcare |
Informs Inc. |
Innara Health |
Iradimed |
Jvion |
KnectIQ Inc. |
Kolkin |
LiDCO Group |
LumiraDX USA Inc. |
Magnamed Tecnologia Médica S/A. |
Masimo |
Mdoloris Medical Systems |
Medi+Sign |
Medical Simulation Corporation |
MediSafe Inc |
Medtronic |
Mindray |
Modulated Imaging |
Monarch Medical Technologies |
Neosim |
NeurOptics |
Oracle |
Patient Valet |
Pegwin |
PeraHealth |
PerceptiMed |
Philips Healthcare |
Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd. |
Pieces Technology |
Pooyandegan Rah Saadat Co.,Ltd. |
Rapid Healthcare |
Redivus Health |
RGP Healthcare |
RightPatient |
RPRD Diagnostics |
SafeCare Group |
SafeStart Medical |
SenTec Inc. |
Smiths Medical |
Sotera Wireless |
Stanley Healthcare |
Stibo Systems |
SurgiCount Medical |
SwipeSense |
Talis Clinical |
ThermoMedics, Inc. |
Triton Electronic Systems LTD |
True Process |
Vitalacy (FORMERLY Hygenix) |
Welch Allyn (acquired by Hill-Rom) |
West-Com Nurse Call Systems, Inc |
ZOLL Medical |
About Patient Safety Movement Foundation
Each year, more than 200,000 people die unnecessarily in U.S. hospitals. Worldwide, 4.8 million lives are similarly lost. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) is a global non-profit that offers free tools to help achieve ZERO preventable deaths from hospital errors. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation was established through the support of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation, and Competition in Healthcare to reduce that number of preventable deaths to ZERO. Improving patient safety requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, medical technology companies, government, employers, and private payers. PSMF’s World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit brings together the world’s best minds for thought-provoking discussions and new ideas to challenge the status quo. Our Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS) provide evidence-based processes to help hospitals eliminate errors. Our Open Data Pledge encourages healthcare technology companies to share the data for which their products are purchased. Visit
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Source: Patient Safety Movement Foundation