Post-COVID Career Planning - What Does It Include?

Looking for a career boost? Here are a few practical tips to progress in the post-COVID career landscape.

Pandemic effects have caused a decrease in professional career growth. Layoffs and furloughs have become common, and several graduates remain jobless and side-lined. Meanwhile, people who are still employed are constantly on edge and struggling to move forward in their careers.

Still, the doubts and uncertainty have grappled with the global job market. Individuals are looking for opportunities, while project-driven organizations are relying on change initiatives to sustain, thrive or grow in the post-pandemic world.

Regardless of which stage of your professional career you’re in right now, 2021 is perhaps the right time to plan your strategic steps. Here is how you can do that:

Post –COVID Career Planning

For Professionals Looking for a New Job

Determine Where You’re At

Graduating into a collapsed economy can complicate your job hunt. According to a report of Rutgers University, more than 56% of college students who graduated in 2010 (after the economic recession) landed jobs after ten months of their diploma.

If we look at the situation carefully, times aren’t much different from the economic downfall of the 2000s. Amidst this wave of uncertainty, learning how to thread the needle as a first-time job seeker is crucial.

Take Your Next Step

Leaner organizational headcounts often translate to entry-level project management posts to go around. That means networking is extremely important to sustain in careers right now. Remember: you’re ten times more likely to get the job if someone refers you.

You need to start tapping into your networks to find more project management connections. You can search platforms like LinkedIn for more connections in the desired industry. Plus, you can ask your alumni for active programs that pair alums for mentoring.

With many in-person meetings on hold due to social distancing, now is the right time to dig into some online opportunities.

For Professionals Wanting to Get Promoted

Determine Where you’re At

Suppose you’ve nailed a lucrative project and taken on senior duties, but you’re still waiting for a promotion, which is most likely pending due to the pandemic.

While it is hard to have patience, you need to understand that many companies are still struggling to survive and stay afloat. Fewer resources, furloughs, and pay cuts are major consequences. Yet, you may find many sectors on a rebound.

However, you need to make people notice your growth or speak out if you think you’re not getting the professional growth you need.

Take Your Next Step

Create a “brag book” that logs your accomplishments to make a case for your promotion. Look back over the projects you have done successfully over the past year and the new challenges and obstacles you have overcome.

Mention how you have successfully rolled out a project and assisted teams across the company in shifting to a virtual workspace.

Detailing all these wins will make sure that you have a strong case and evidence to support your argument for career progression.

Summing Up

Don’t give up when it comes to boosting your career in times of uncertainty. Follow the given tips and try excelling in your career path.