Prepare to Answer These Six Questions for Pharmaceutical Job Interviews

Important questions to prepare for pharmaceutical

Important questions to prepare for pharmaceutical

Before going for pharmaceutical jobs interviews, you should be prepared to give the best answers possible. Here are six questions you should be ready for.

Important questions to prepare for pharmaceutical jobs

Getting pharmaceutical jobs can be challenging for anyone. Building a career in the pharma industry can be incredibly lucrative, and you can become successful doing what you have an interest in. The future of the pharma industry is extremely bright, with the sector growing and evolving every day.

Once you have crossed the hurdle of applying for a job at a pharmacy and getting an interview call, you have to bring your A-game for the job interview. You must be prepared for all types of interview questions.

One of the ways you can win over the interviewer is by being aware of all the good questions to ask the interviewer. If you ask them questions, they will be able to understand your thoughts better, and it will also show the interviewer that you are someone who takes the initiative and doesn’t hesitate.

Preparing for a job interview can seem overwhelming, and it is common for people to feel anxious. However, you can prepare yourself by practicing some common interview questions. For pharmaceutical jobs interview, there are always some typical questions that you should have an excellent answer to.

6 Pharmaceutical Jobs Interview Questions And Example Answers

Let’s look at what some of these questions are and how you should answer them.

1. How do you handle a dispute between two technicians that is affecting customer service?

This question helps the interviewer find out more about how good you are at conflict resolution and how much you care about customer service. An excellent answer to this question will showcase your leadership skills and how you manage to take control of the situation.

Example Answer:

“Before the store opens, I would call both parties for a meeting. I would listen to what both technicians have to say and the problems they are facing, so we can move towards finding a solution. I would ensure they know that they can reach out to me every time they are having trouble solving any conflict.”

2. Why did you go for a career in pharma?

This question is often the first thing an interviewer asks during pharmaceutical jobs interviews. With your answer, you should show the employee how passionate you are about the field and you are willing to give your best. When you answer this question, you should be clear about what attracted you to this job and you essential it is for you to provide medical help to people who are in need.

Example Answer:

“Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to work in the medical field. I have always found it interesting how various drugs can help with different illnesses. Not only that, it makes me happy to see that the work I do can help change someone’s life and make it better. I have been preparing myself for this role for a long time, and I believe I have the skills and qualities that can help the company achieve all its goals.”

3. If a customer shows up to the pharmacy with a half-empty bottle of medication and claims it doesn’t work, how would you handle the situation?

This question is the perfect opportunity for you to show your communication and interpersonal skills during interviews for pharmaceutical jobs. Answer the question in a way that enables the interviewer to find out how good you are at customer service and handling tricky situations involving customers. You should make it clear that the patients are important to you, and you will always try your best to help them.

Example Answer:

“I will listen to the customer patiently and understand the issue they are facing. If I know that the medicine requires the entire dosage for it to be effective, I will try my best to make the customer understand that they need to complete the entire course in order to see results. If, after talking to the patient, I feel that the pharmacy is at fault in any way, I will ensure I do everything in my power to compensate them.”

4. What is the most crucial business aspect of a pharmacist’s job?

The interviewer asks this question to gauge your business knowledge regarding the operations of a pharmacy. Even though the pharma industry aims to provide help to patients and improve health care, it is still a for-profit business. You should use this question to show that you know about running a profitable pharmacy and also showcase your managerial skills.

Example Answer:

“The most crucial business aspect of pharmaceutical jobs is providing customers and patients with the best service possible. It is essential that they get the best experience at the pharmacy and don’t have to face any issues. Helping the patients should be our top priority, and it can also help us build a solid relationship with our customers. Building a relationship of trust with them ensures that they come to us for all their needs.”

5. Have you ever gone out of your way to provide an exceptional performance? When and how?

The pharma industry is highly competitive, and the interviewer will want to know what makes you exceptional before they make their decision to hire you. This question provides you with the opportunity to show the interviewer that you will go out of your way to exceed customer expectations and that you will step it up when the need arises.

Example Answer:

“When I was working at XYZ pharmacy previously, we had a customer who came in on a motorized wheelchair every week to pick up his medication. I asked him why he wouldn’t get the prescription delivered to his address instead of coming down all the way. He told me that he did not have the finances to pay delivery charges. When I talked to him some more, I found out that he lived on my way home. After that day, I made sure I delivered him his medicines myself every week.”

6. If a customer asks you about an over-the-counter medication you don’t know about, what will you do?

With this question, the interviewer aims to test your customer service skills, research skills, and communication skills. Your answer should not be dishonest; it is perfectly normal for you not to know about every drug in the world. You should always have an honest approach in every pharmaceutical jobs interview.

Example Answer:

“I would let the customer know that I am not aware of the drug, and then ask my colleagues if any of them have the knowledge. If they also don’t know the drug or any related information, I would let the customer know that I am going to carry out all the research required and get back to them when I have all the details.”

Key Takeaway

Preparing yourself for a job interview is challenging. For pharmaceutical jobs interview, you have to be on your A-game and give the interviewer all the answers that will leave an excellent impression on them.

It is always a brilliant idea to prepare yourself for all the standard questions beforehand and practice as much as possible.