Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) - also known as enlarged prostate - affects nearly all men as they age; a new study shows French maritime pine bark extract improves symptoms
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) - also known as enlarged prostate - affects nearly all men as they age; a new study shows French maritime pine bark extract improves symptoms
HOBOKEN, N.J., Nov. 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the American Urological Association (AUA)1, over half of men experience symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, or enlarged prostate, by age 60, and nearly 90 percent do so by the age of 80. Enlarged prostate is one of the most common men’s health conditions and leads to a number of uncomfortable and painful symptoms, including straining while urinating and increased frequency of bathroom visits. New peer-reviewed and published research shows that daily supplementation with the natural antioxidant Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) French maritime pine bark extract can reduce symptoms related to enlarged prostate within 60 days.
“Symptoms of enlarged prostate are often painful and can interfere with daily activities – even disrupting sleep,” says Dr. Steven Lamm, medical director at NYU Langone Preston Robert Tisch Center for Men’s Health. “Most of my patients experience urgency of urination, weak flow and inability to fully empty their bladder. Some report pain while urinating. Enlarged prostate affects nearly all men and drugs that are prescribed to shrink the prostate may take up to six months to show results. This initial study shows measurable benefit from Pycnogenol® within 60 days – a natural option without side effects.”
The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that surrounds the upper portion of the urethra. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is a common condition for men that causes the prostate gland to increase in size and block flow of urine out of the bladder.
The study, published in Minerva Medica, tested 75 men between the ages of 55 and 75 over the course of 8 weeks. Three test groups were included in the study: a control group using a standard management routine of exercise, hydration, and a low-sugar and low-salt diet, a second group taking the common pharmaceutical treatments finasteride and dutasteride, and a third group supplementing with Pycnogenol®. After 8 weeks, participants were monitored using ultrasound investigations to determine residual urinary volume in the bladder and prostate size. Results showed that supplementation with 150mg of Pycnogenol® daily provided immediate improvement of major symptoms, including:
- Significant improvement of residual bladder volume by 51 percent (vs. 35 percent improvement in the control group / 41 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Significant improvement of bladder emptying by 42 percent (vs. 9 percent improvement in the control group / 6 percent improvement in the dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Reduction in frequency of urination by 37 percent (vs. 12 percent improvement in the control group / 14 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Improvement of urinary straining by 31 percent (vs. 20 percent improvement in the control group / 6 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Reduction in frequency of nocturia by 31 percent (vs. 18 percent improvement in the control group / 9 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Reduction of intermittency by 31 percent (vs. 9 percent improvement in the control group / 19 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
- Improvement of weak flow by 24 percent (vs. 9 percent improvement in the control group / 17 percent improvement in dudasteride and finasteride group)
Supplementation with Pycnogenol® was not found to produce any unwanted side effects, such as erectile dysfunction, a key concern of other common prostate health treatments.
“This study on prostate health builds on four decades of research on Pycnogenol® including other studies on men’s health issues. The antioxidant properties of Pycnogenol® continue to show an impressive range of measurable benefits,” said Dr. Lamm.
This study builds on previous research showing the benefits of Pycnogenol® for men’s health, including research on the super-antioxidant’s effects on sperm health and erectile health2.
About Pycnogenol®
Pycnogenol® is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France and is found to contain a unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and phenolic acids, which offer extensive natural health benefits. The extract has been widely studied for the past 40 years and has more than 420 published studies and review articles ensuring safety and efficacy as an ingredient. Today, Pycnogenol® is available in more than 1,000 dietary supplements, multi-vitamins and health products worldwide. For more information, visit
About Horphag Research (USA) Inc.
Horphag Research (USA) Inc., based in Hoboken, New Jersey, is the North American distributor for Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) brand French maritime pine bark extract and Robuvit®, French oak wood extract on behalf of Horphag Research. Pycnogenol® and Robuvit® are registered trademarks of Horphag Research Ltd. For its patented ingredient, Pycnogenol®, Horphag Research has been awarded the Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award, Nutraceutical Business & Technology Safety & Quality Award, SupplySide West Scientific Excellence Award and The American Botanical Council’s Tyler Research Award. Horphag Research (USA) has the exclusive rights to market and sell Pycnogenol® in North American and benefits from more than 40 ears of scientific research assuring the safety and efficacy of Pycnogenol® as a dietary supplement. For more information, visit and
1 WebMD: Enlarged Prostate: A Complex Problem
2 Passwater, Richard, Rohdewald, Peter. The Pycnogenol® Phenomenon. 161.
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SOURCE Horphag Research (USA) Inc.