REPROCELL USA is proud to announce that it has received funding from MSCRF for both proposals it has submitted for the MSCRF’s January 2024 grant cycle.
REPROCELL USA is proud to announce that it has received funding from MSCRF for both proposals it has submitted for the MSCRF’s January 2024 grant cycle. These two grants will help us produce Master Cell Banks (MCB) for cell therapy and enhance our capacity to produce therapeutic cell products. BELTSVILLE, Md., June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ReproCELL is a leader in producing clinically relevant human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). These hiPSCs are generated from healthy donors that have been screened for eligibility using the questionnaire established by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Further viral testing is performed to satisfy the requirements of FDA, European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) of Japan. The first grant titled: “Generation of human iPSC and MSC MCBs and derivative products in an enclosed GMP system” will help REPROCELL offer two GMP grade cell lines in the next 8 to 12 months for commercialization. These products will be tested for quality and ready for off-the-shelf distribution and further differentiation internally, by other companies in Maryland and the rest of the world. This grant is funded by MSCRF under their commercialization grant that provides funding for commercializing the products. The second grant titled: “Enhancement of Capabilities of Existing Cytocentric® Xvivo System Model 2 from BioSpherix” will help us increase the capacity from generating 2 MCBs per year to generating 4 to 6 MCBs per year by adding more incubators and processing chambers to the existing enclosed GMP system. Utilizing these enhancements, REPROCELL can also provide GMP differentiation and gene editing services. This grant from MSCRF under their manufacturing assistance program is a 1:1 match grant where REPROCELL will match funds provided by MSCRF dollar to dollar. “These two grants from MSCRF will help REPROCELL achieve its goal of being a leader in producing and supplying clinical therapeutic cell products much sooner than we anticipated,” said Rama Modali, CEO, REPROCELL USA. About REPROCELL: REPROCELL provides services and reagents to support the entire drug discovery pathway. BioServe-brand biorepository and molecular services provide researchers with human tissue samples and services to support a wide variety of research and development, as well as provide a starting point for stem cell research. Stemgent-brand stem cell products and services, along with REPROCELL brand differentiated cells and reagents, enable researchers to bring the power of stem cells to bear on human disease. Alvetex-brand 3D culture products provide a physiologically relevant environment for cells that mimic the in vitro situation. Biopta-brand human tissue assays provide pharmaceutical companies with physiologically relevant information on human tissue prior to clinical trials. REPROCELL, founded in 2002, is based in Yokohama, Japan and has laboratories in Beltsville, MD, USA, Glasgow, UK and Hyderabad, India to support global research efforts. Media Contact: