Sengenics Launches the ImmuKyne Protein Array to Identify Autoantibodies Implicated in Development of ARDS in COVID-19

Sengenics, a functional proteomics company, today announced the product launch of a new KREX™-based array, the ImmuKyne™ protein array, in a bid to enhance and accelerate effective response for COVID-19 by understanding whether autoantibodies play a role in progression to severe disease in COVID-19 patients, using advanced antibody profiling assays.

SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sengenics, a functional proteomics company, today announced the product launch of a new KREX™-based array, the ImmuKyne™ protein array, in a bid to enhance and accelerate effective response for COVID-19 by understanding whether autoantibodies play a role in progression to severe disease in COVID-19 patients, using advanced antibody profiling assays.

Hyper elevation of inflammatory markers in patients who are in critical condition during SARS-CoV-2 infection has been observed as a major prelude to COVID-19 associated mortality. This phenomenon has been commonly ascribed as a “cytokine storm”. A cytokine is a signalling molecule that the body releases to trigger inflammation in an attempt to fight against the infection. In a cytokine storm, excessive levels of cytokines are released which then activate more immune cells, leading to serious complications collectively termed as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Risk factors for severe COVID-19 disease include diabetes, obesity, age and hypertension, with emerging evidence suggesting that host tissue damage in the alveoli and vasculature play roles in the development of ARDS.

The ImmuKyne™ protein array is the latest addition to the Sengenics virology product line and demonstrates the company’s commitment to contribute to the global effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have previously used KREX™-based protein arrays to identify autoantibody profiles that correlate with severity and secondary complications in other viral, bacterial and parasitic infectious diseases. We believe that utilising the ImmuKyne™ protein array to measure autoantibody profiles could be a key factor in distinguishing individuals who are at an elevated risk of developing ARDS or other severe complications of the COVID-19 disease and may correspond to underlying aetiologies,” said Professor Jonathan Blackburn, CSO of Sengenics.

ImmuKyne™ is the first KREX™-based protein array that enables simultaneous screening of over 300 immunomodulatory autoantigens comprising clinically significant protein classes that may be implicated in ARDS, such as cytokines, chemokines and interleukins.

Leveraging on the patented Sengenics KREX™ functional proteomics technology ensures that all proteins on the ImmuKyne™ protein array are full-length, correctly folded and functional with both conformational and non-conformational epitopes preserved. This is critical as 90% of antibody binding sites are conformational in nature.

For further information about the ImmuKyne™ protein array, please contact us at

About Sengenics

Sengenics is a functional proteomics company that leverages its patented KREX technology to discover autoantibody biomarker signatures for prediction of drug response and severe immune-related adverse events (irAEs). KREX-based protein arrays have also been used to identify autoantibodies or antibodies to diagnose infectious diseases, cancer, autoimmune or neurodegenerative conditions at a higher sensitivity and specificity than conventional tests. Some autoantibodies that are identified as diagnostic biomarkers may be protective and have potential in themselves as therapeutic biomolecules.


Farah Elena
Marketing Manager
Sengenics Corporation Pte Ltd

Business Development and Partnerships
Andrew James Jackson
Global Business Unit Director
Sengenics Corporation Pte Ltd

Source: Sengenics