The Centers for Disease Control recommends wearing a mask in health care settings and other places where people around may have risk factors for severe consequences of COVID-19.
SomaLogic and Illumina have come together to propel innovation in Proteomics. This partnership represents the rapidly growing high throughput sector of the proteomics market
An improvement in cUHDRS was observed in more than half of all evaluable patients and was specifically seen in 75% of the evaluable population who showed excess complement activity at baseline.
PhaseBio’s move to suspend its Phase IIb trial of pemziviptadil is due to the effect of COVID-19 on manufacturing, associated drug supply, and the rate of enrollment in the study.
As of now, six studies related to islatravir are on full clinical hold, while seven are on partial clinical hold. Here are more updates on the development of this drug.
Orca-T demonstrated significantly higher graft-versus-host disease-free, relapse-free survival (GRFS) rates compared to patients who received standard of care.
After multiple attempts, the setup successfully translated signals from his brain to the vocal tract in the form of words that appear as text on a screen.