PARIS, July 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- - Group Sales up 14% - ORALAIR(R) Grasses Application Submitted in Germany (EUR millions) 2006 2005 % change Q2 Sales 28.61 25.83 11% France (i) 14.56 13.07 11% Subsidiaries (ii) 10.76 9.91 9% Distributors (iii) 3.29 2.85 16% 1st half- year sales 64.20 56.12 14% France (i) 35.22 30.78 14% Subsidiaries (ii) 22.23 19.56 13% Distributors (iii) 6.75 5.78 17% (i) France, including French overseas dependencies (ii) Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Belgium (iii) Distributors: other Group markets
Organic growth for the second quarter amounted to 11%. Growth was relatively similar between the different profit centres, with the notable exception of export, which confirmed the recovery that started in the first quarter.
2006 1st semester sales increased by 14% (13% on a comparable basis) to EUR 64.2 million. Sales growth was driven by the continuing increase in initial treatments.
These results support the Group’s target of growth slightly over 10% for 2006.
In addition, an application for ORALAIR(R) Grasses will be submitted for registration on 14 July 2006 in Germany, as previously planned. Germany will act as reference member state, within the framework of a European Mutual Recognition Procedure.
Stallergenes plans to launch ORALAIR(R) Grasses in Germany during the 2nd half of 2007 and in 2008 in other European Union countries.
About Stallergenes
Stallergenes Group is today the leading European pharmaceutical laboratory specialising in allergen immunotherapy, both in terms of number of patients treated (Ndegrees1) and sales (Ndegrees2). In its 40 years of existence, Stallergenes has established itself as a dynamic player, frequently as an innovator, in the battle to prevent and cure allergies, rhinitis and asthma in particular.
Stallergenes devotes over 15% of its sales to its Research and Development activities.
Stallergenes’ development is focused on the French market and on international markets through its subsidiaries based in Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Belgium, and its distributors based in Eastern Europe, North Africa and elsewhere.
Shares of the Group’s parent company, Stallergenes SA, are listed on the Eurolist Compartment B of the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange.
Codes: ISIN FR0000065674, Reuters GEN.PA, Bloomberg GEN.FP
Group financial information is available on our web site at Your contacts Stallergenes Albert Saporta - Chairman Christian Thiry - Chief Financial Officer Tel: +33-1-55-59-20-95 Pavie Finance Lucile de Fraguier Investor & Analyst Relations Tel: +33-1-42-15-04-39
CONTACT: Stallergènes, Albert Saporta - Chairman, Christian Thiry -Chief Financial Officer, Tel: +33-1-55-59-20-95. Pavie Finance, Lucile deFraguier, Investor & Analyst Relations, Tel: +33-1-42-15-04-39,