Symbollon Pharmaceuticals Evaluates the Clinical Effects of IoGen(TM) on Fibrocystic Breast Disease

FRAMINGHAM, Mass., Sept. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Iodine has been used as an antimicrobial for the last century. Much has been written about molecular iodine yet many women suffering from Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) are unaware that studies being conducted may soon yield an effective nonhormonal treatment.

While there are several breast cancer drugs on the market, all available hormonal therapies have significant adverse events. In contrast, IoGen is a nonhormonal treatment that allows for safe long-term use with little or no side effects.

“Current research provides substantive support for the initiation of human clinical studies on the use of molecular iodine as a treatment for breast disease,” stated Paul Desjourdy, President and CEO, Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. “The possibility that IoGen may be used as a treatment for breast cancer makes it all the more important that we expedite the commercialization time line.”

The Company believes IoGen has the ability to eliminate excess cell growth in female reproductive tissue, including the breast, ovaries and uterus. Other indications for IoGen include the treatment or prevention of endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and premenopausal breast cancer.

Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is now in FDA Phase III clinical trials for the evaluation of IoGen (I2) for pain/tenderness associated with FBD and with potential to treat female reproductive organ cancers.

The importance of (I2) in the treatments for mammary gland dysfunctions has been corroborated in human and animal models.

Seaweeds, containing high quantities of iodine in several chemical forms including (I2), have been associated with low incidences of benign and malignant breast disease in Asian women.

Past studies by independent researchers have supported the possible effectiveness of molecular iodine (I2) as a treatment for breast cancer.

-- Researchers at Drexel University College of Medicine found that molecular iodine alters the gene expression profile in the human breast cancer cells. Dr. Bernard Eskin remarked that these changes may be responsible for molecular iodine’s inhibition of breast cancer promotion that has been repeatedly observed in animal models. -- Some researchers investigating the connection between breast tissue and iodine observed that frequent childbirth and a long lactation period are known to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Symbollon is now conducting its IoGen (I2) Phase III pivotal pain study. Results are expected in first quarter of 2008. For more information on IoGen(TM), please visit the company’s web site at: or

Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

CONTACT: Paul Desjourdy, Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., +1-508-631-0599