Syngene Introduces Next Generation G:BOX Imaging Systems

Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is delighted to announce its new generation G:BOX Chemi XX6/XX9 multi-application imaging systems are now available. Featuring the latest, ultra-sensitive, fast capture lens, these systems ensure scientists can have total confidence that their gel and blot results are accurate and publication-ready.

Cambridge, UK:Syngene a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis sol-utions, is delighted to announce its new generation G:BOX Chemi XX6/XX9 multi-application imaging systems are now available. Featuring the latest, ultra-sensitive, fast capture lens, these systems ensure scientists can have total confidence that their gel and blot results are accurate and publication-ready.

Utilising a state-of-the-art wide aperture f0.8 lens, the camera in the next gen-

eration G:BOX Chemi XX6/XX9 systems can capture more light, which means

scientists can use shorter excitation times when imaging IR and R,G,B

fluorescence blots and gels, thus reducing photobleaching and generating more

accurate results. The high-performance lens also speeds up chemiluminescent

imaging and lowers reagent costs by reducing the amount of expensive antibodies

needed to visualise bands.

The super-sensitive lens combined with unique motorised stage in the G:BOX

Chemi XX6/XX9 systems also captures sharp, true to life images allowing

researchers to resolve close chemi and fluorescent bands and visualise bright and

faint bands on the same image. Since the results are optical and not just digitally

enhanced, scientists can be certain the bands they detect are real, making these

systems ideal for precisely quantifying DNA and proteins down to the femtogram

level on a range of gels and blots.

Designed to be future-proof, the new G:BOX Chemi XX6 and XX9 systems have

a clever gantry which can be fitted with Syngene’s R,G,B and IR Hi-Intensity

lighting options (up to 200 times brighter than standard LEDs) and new lighting

options as they become available. This allows scientists the flexibility to add their

choice of illumination and excitation to detect multiple fluorescent channels on

multiplex gels and blots, as well as image close bands or spots on complex 2D gels.
/more ……….

Complete with GeneSys image capture and GeneTools image analysis software, the G:BOX Chemi XX6/XX9 systems include a total protein normalisation feature, ensuring scientists can confidently generate publication-compliant images of chemi, multiplex fluorescence blots, DNA and stain-free protein gels every time.

To find out more about this new super-sensitive G:BOX range, please click the link:

“The feedback we have had from talking to scientists worldwide is that they want easy to use equipment which has fast IR fluorescence and chemi image capture times, yet produces true to life images,” says Dr Martin Biggs, Sales Manager at Syngene “We’ve responded by integrating one of the world’s best in class lens into our G:BOX XX6/XX9 systems and now, without having to become an imaging expert, any researcher using this technology will get great imaging performance with results they can trust.”


For Further Information Contact:

Jayne Arthur, Syngene, Beacon House, Nuffield Road, Cambridge, CB4 1TF, UK.

Tel: +44(0) 1223-727123 Fax +44 (0) 1223-727101



Twitter: @TeamSyngene

Editor Contact:

Dr Sue Pearson, Director, International Science Writer, PO Box 170, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 3GD, UK.

Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1462- 635327 Email:

Web: Twitter: @IScienceWriter

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About Syngene

Syngene is a world-leading supplier of integrated imaging solutions for analysis and documentation of gel-based information. Syngene’s systems are used by more than 10,000 research organisations and over 50,000 individual scientists world-wide and include many of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies and major research institutes.

Syngene, founded in 1997, is a division of the Synoptics Group of the AIM listed Scientific Digital Imaging Company based in Cambridge, UK. The Group’s other divisions, Synbiosis and Synoptics Health, specialise in digital imaging solutions for microbial and clinical applications respectively. Synoptics, which celebrated its 30th anniversary of being in business in 2015, currently employs 40 people in its UK and subsidiary operation in Frederick, USA.