Team Dynamics: 15 Life Sciences Organizations Leading the Way

The most recent BioSpace Ideal Employer Report revealed the impact of team dynamics on employees within life sciences organizations.

How are the working relationships among teams in your company? Do people tend to get along and work with each other successfully? Or, does there seem to be a lot of conflict, turmoil and/or stress? The concept of team dynamics is important to many life sciences professionals in the workplace. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint the aspects that influence team dynamics on a broad scale. Generally, attributes such as company culture, leadership styles and work environment are major factors that contribute to the relationships among team members.

The most recent BioSpace Ideal Employer Report revealed the impact of team dynamics on employees within life sciences organizations. A survey was conducted which included feedback from over 2,700 life sciences professionals. The respondents shared their thoughts on which company attributes were most important to them and which organizations were the most prestigious. The report displayed comprehensive survey results and graphs that evaluated how employees perceive recognizable companies. The results of the study showed that positive team dynamic was significant to many professionals. Here is a list of the 15 life sciences employers leading the way with team dynamics:

  1. bluebird bio
  2. Regeneron
  3. Bayer
  4. GlaxoSmithKline
  5. Biogen
  6. Illumina
  7. Gilead Sciences
  8. Astra Zeneca
  9. Verily
  10. Genentech
  11. Takeda/Shire
  12. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  13. Vertex
  14. Roche
  15. Amgen

While team dynamic was important to the majority of respondents, there were some significant similarities and differences between different groups of people. Survey participants were given a list of nineteen attributes to rank based on importance. 77% of women listed team dynamics as important. However, less than half of women (45%) believe that it is a strength within their chosen company. In comparison, 70% of men selected team dynamics as important, but only 50% ranked it as an actual strength of potential employers. It’s possible that since most fields within the life sciences tend to be male dominated, women might place a higher value on team dynamics as they attempt to focus on career growth and development.

There were notable similarities among generational priorities of baby boomers, Gen-Xers and millennials within the life sciences industry. When it came to team dynamics, over 70% of all generations thought it was important. 72% of Millennials valued team dynamics, but only 46% of them believed that it was a strength of ideal employers. When it came to baby boomers, 74% of them mentioned that team dynamics was important, while only 50% identified them as a strength of employers. The survey confirmed that life sciences professionals of all ages notice the positive impact of team interactions and use it when determining which companies are most desirable.

The report also highlighted major differences between how current employees view their company and how outsiders perceive that same organization. The research showed that many organizations have a public perception problem, because their employees tended to rank them higher on desirable attributes than those individuals who never worked there. In regard to team dynamics, about 69% of insiders (who work for the organization) recognized it as a strength. However, only approximately 43% of outsiders listed team dynamics as a strength based on their own perceptions. This showed that many outsiders tended to assume a more negative position on team dynamics than what insiders actually believe goes on within an organization.

The BioSpace Ideal Employer Report provided a substantial amount of data evaluating how life sciences professionals view some of the major organizations within the industry. There were 15 companies that were acknowledged for their (perceived) positive team dynamics. Men and women both placed a high value on team interactions and relationships. Employees of all ages also ranked team dynamics highly. A major difference existed between those who worked for the organizations being studied and outsiders. Actual staff members tended to view team dynamics within their companies more favorably. What are some areas you consider when assessing team dynamics?

Porschia Parker-Griffin is a Certified Coach, Professional Resume Writer, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. ( She empowers ambitious professionals and motivated executives to add $10K on average to their salaries.