Tensys Medical Release: Study Results Demonstrate The T-Line(R) cNiBP Monitor Provides Clinically Equivalent Blood Pressure Measurements To An In-Dwelling Radial Arterial Catheter

SAN DIEGO, March 1 /PRNewswire/ -- A new study to be published in the February 2006 issue of the Anesthesia and Analgesia shows that the non-invasive Tensys(R) T-line(R), provides continuous beat-to-beat blood pressure (BP) measurement with comparable accuracy to that of an invasive radial arterial catheter (A-line).

Researchers from Shands University Hospital, at the University of Florida at Gainesville, evaluated the T-line device in the operating room with patients undergoing general anesthesia. Systolic, diastolic and mean BP’s were compared from the T-line and the contra-lateral A-line. The mean errors reported were 1.7 +/- 7.0 for systolic, 2.3 +/- 6.9 for diastolic and 1.7 +/- 5.3 for mean. Likewise, Bland-Altman’s test for precision and bias displayed excellent agreement. In addition, the noninvasive arterial waveforms produced from the T-line emulated those of the contra-lateral arterial catheters.

“The T-line monitor fills an unmet clinical need in our operating rooms. With many patients, continuous BP is desired but an invasive procedure like an A-line is not justified,” said Dr. Greg Janelle, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida. “Our study shows that the T-line provides an accurate non-invasive alternative for beat-to-beat blood pressure management.”

“The Shands study reinforces the strong clinical performance of the T-line monitor across a broad range of patients,” said Chris Jones CEO, Tensys Medical Inc. “The positive outcomes seen in this study give the anesthesiologist another tool to consider in the clinical management of a patient’s blood pressure.”

Reprints of full text available upon request.

About Tensys

Tensys Medical, Inc. is the leader in real-time blood pressure management. The Tensys T-Line, the company’s lead product, was cleared by the FDA in November 2002 for non-invasive, continuous real-time blood pressure monitoring.

The Tensys T-Line measures a patient’s blood pressure at the radial artery. It offers anesthesiologists better, more effective control over patient safety during surgery by allowing them to quickly monitor and manage blood pressure variations. The T-Line provides continuous, real-time data and has clinically equivalent accuracy to that of the arterial line (A-line). The device is based on Tensymetry, the company’s proprietary and patented technology for non-invasively extracting the continuous, beat-to-beat pressure waveform from the radial artery without the use of any external calibration device. The science of Tensymetry is the result of over eight years of research and development.

Tensys Medical is based in San Diego, California and was founded in November 1995. For more information, please visit the company’s Web site at http://www.tensysmedical.com

Tensys Medical, Inc.

CONTACT: Patti Duffy, Manager, Customer Service of Tensys Medical, Inc.,+1-888-722-7800, ext. 1, Support@tensysmedical.com