The Day In Review: Biotech Makes Solid Gain

May 2, 2005 -- Stocks began the week by trading mostly higher, though a mid-day rise in oil prices caused a brief drop in prices, which was soon overcome. At the closing bell, the Centient Biotech 200 was up almost 15 points at 3194.37, a rise of .46%. The S&P 500 moved up an identical .46%, while Nasdaq trailed by just a bit, climbing .36%. Corixa moved 40% higher on a buyout bid from GlaxoSmithKline, Genzyme will develop a test that will predict whether Tarceva will be effective, OSI Pharma and Genentech will seek a pancreatic cancer indication approved for Tarceva, Cell Therapeutics reported Xyotax failed a lung cancer trial, Myriad Genetics said Flurizan was effective against Alzheimer’s disease at higher doses. More details...