Thomas M. Kaiser

Opinion author

Thomas M. Kaiser, MD, PhD, is the co-founder and chief scientific officer at Avicenna Biosciences. After training in total synthesis and organometallics at Texas A&M as an NIH chemistry-biology interface predoctoral fellow, he joined the Liotta group at Emory University as a postdoc, where he eventually ran the antiviral group in the lab of Prof. Dennis Liotta. Following that work, Kaiser earned his medical degree and qualified in medicine at the University of Oxford, where he was a Foulkes Fellow. He founded Avicenna with Pieter Burger in 2019.

Price-negotiation provisions that are out of step with reality are discouraging funders and Big Pharma partners from investing in potentially transformative therapies. Fixing some of the unintended consequences of the IRA will clear the way for innovative medicines to reach patients in need.